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The freezing wind rips at my clothes pushing my hair  directly into my eyes, I squint as water blurs my vision

I can't remember what I walked to my car for

Was it a picture of a different time, a jacket tucked in the backseat, or simply a quick break

The thoughts race around my head like humming birds fighting for dominance over a feeder, angry, chaotic, selfish

I breathe in attempting to quiet the blood rushing in my ears and blow out a shakey sigh

I just want to focus on one thing at a time but someone's calling my name and now my thoughts are multiplying faster than I can keep track of

The day rolls by before I can make a plan or get anything done and I'm left with the evening crawling down my spine begging me to sleep, to give in to the darkness, to give up on the day and wait for another sunrise to waste

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