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"Oh good, everybody's favourite side!" Patton says smiling and cheering at the logical trait. Logan gives a small smile, "that's... very kind of you, Patton." He replies with a bit of a stutter.


It had been about five minutes after the camera shut off for the new video 'can lying be good??' video, and Logan had just got told by Virgil that Deceit was lying about everything he had said.

He started to tear up a little as the message rang in his head over a thousand times. He was the logical side! He wasn't meant to feel. He started sobbing into his hands and shaking violently, this was all so new- what was this? Anger? Fear? Sadness? That one rang a bell.

Logan was sitting on the edge of his bed, quietly sobbing to himself. He was hoping no one would hear him because it would be too illogical for good old logic to be found crying pathetically to himself over some little comment said by a lying, snake man.

He felt horrible; aching headache, bright red eyes, dizziness and he felt tense/anxious. He had flashes of all of the other traits. (Mostly anxiety due to his serving anxiety)

He looked up as he heard his door open, Roman. The romantic, creative trait peeked in clearly checking in on the other. Oh right, Roman; his room next to mine, we're all kind of connected and how could he not know he was crying in his room?

"Logan?" The Disney prince stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "You alright? Actually don't answer me I already know, what's wrong?" Logan sniffles and rubs his eyes trying to not make eye contact. The teacher-want-to-be gave a glance of broken hearted eyes to Roman.

The romantic figure didn't even think before he walked over to the edge of the bed where the sad, logical trait was and cuddled him softly. "Hey hey hey, Logan. What's wrong? It's okay I'm here." Roman attempts to comfort him, it works but it will take time to recover.

"I-I..." Logan stutters and snuggles further into the taller, tanner persona.
"I-I'm so sorry.." Logan chokes out and clings to the other tighter.
"R-Ro-" Roman shushes him by pulling the other's head to his chest, his heart was beating at a slow rate to sooth him whilst his hands ran up and down his back.

"I'm here" Roman said, that rang in Logan's ears a million times more then Deceit's comment did.

Logan nodded at that and started to calm down, his shakiness was decreasing and his sobs were quieting.

"See? Good job, I'm here for you alright?" Roman rubs his cheek soothingly and kisses his forehead, this made Logan melt into the touch and calm down completely. The only bad trigger it did was the bright redness that painted the logical side's face.

They stayed like that for what seemed like hours, but it was really only half of an hour. Roman began trying to get the truth out of Logan about what happened and it worked, they talked about that topic for a few more minutes and it made Logan 'happy'

Logan liked the emotion happy. He thought it made him feel good, he also loved love.

Because he loved Roman.

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