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"The black eyed man growled at Alex,Give me the Metriol mortal!"  "Wait ...what's a merto ...what did you say grandpa?" Camo asked with a curious and confused look.He loved his grandpa and his space stories.He always believed him,even if no one else did. He said he had seen the other life,the life no human can imagine.But unfortunately,his seemingly real stories were nothing more than the tales of an old,crazy man for all others,all others except for his grandson. "It's a type of meteor ,a very precious one. It said to be lost in the space after the big bang.It is capable of shredding the universe into pieces ,if it ever goes into wrong hands,the earth,the galaxies,the universe will perish!Nothing will be left ,except for nothingness!!...And here's the bad news..."Grandpa said with a grave look leaning close to Camo 's innocent green eyes,"The others are already looking for it ..."   "WHAT!!" Camo exclaimed almost falling off the couch, "Grandpa!now what?Someone HAS to stop em!!!! I don't want to live in an empty white room!" "Well ,we can't choose the guardian,the galaxy itself chooses it's protector. As the prophecy says,-
                 A golden warrior will be born,
                 with the power of the metriol,
                 When the evils' forces arise,
                 He will guard  us for a price,
                 Price will be a life,
                 Either the evils or the nice.
"And Grandpa who's the amazing hero? Can I meet him?Have you met him?Was he cool?Did he..."Enough young man it's already nine.Time for bed."He was cut off by his mother. She was a single mom.It was hard earning and taking care of the house.And besides maybe Selina didn't wanted her son to be somewhat a fable like his grandpa.Well to be true,a very less amount of people value imagination and curiosity. Curiosity is said to be the end of a fear free life.But people fail to understand it opens the doors of hope that maybe something is waiting for you ,waiting for what you always imagined. So ,it was just the same with Selina . "Yeah boy ,your mum's right you should n...(COUGH!)now(COUGH COUGH!)" Grandpa almost choked down the floor. "Whoah um...are you alright?I should get a medical checkup.Your coughing is getting worse."  Selina asked with a worried look. "Oh ,don't worry I'll be fine ,good night Camo."  "Night Grandpa." Camo said going into his room looking back to make sure Grandpa took his yellow tablets,that's what he called them.As he drifted to sleep,he was curious about the warrior,he was excited to hear the rest. Time flew by and so did Camo's snores.
Camo woke up today...but grandpa never did ,at least not in this realm.He was old and weak and for others even crazy. But for Camo,he was just a person people failed to understand,and now they never will. However he didn't felt sad at the funeral,he felt that his grandpa was still there ,with him ,or maybe,within him. He saw them digging the soil,he heard the sad sobs of the people,He watched as they dragged the coffin inside,he saw the body being covered with soil. He saw the end of his curiosity,the end of his belief in grandpa and his made up stories.

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