5 . d i s c o v e r e d

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I finally put in music oof:

Foreshadow: You'll see this song in a more fitting situation in the future parts of the series~♪

Mask POV:

Aloha ran off after we had no clue where Goggles was. "He-hey! GET THE FLOP BACK HERE ALOHAAA!!" I yelled, running after him. I made it into the train right before it's doors slid closed. Everyone else didn't have any time to make it.

I realized that Aloha was showing CQ Cumber something, but I didn't catch what...

"I know the Bust and Run station... But... This world is screwed up..." Aloha said under his breath, leaning back onto a wall, getting out his squidphone. "I know you saw that, Mask. But no matter what," He looked at me. "I will save Goggles."

"I don't really know why we're here, in this dimension, but I-I hope we can all make it out. I won't leave anybody behind.," He sighed, playing Light em' up on Splatify. "I know Goggles probably got abducted, maybe even by what I came to look for." I didn't know what to say, but I asked, "What are you looking for?" "Well, at first, I forgot, but simply, why Specs is acting different. It might be the fact I read to many thriller stories about this dimension, but... They very well may be true."

I was skeptical, but then the train pulled into a stop. "Bust and Run station," CQ said. Aloha walked out. "Come on, this is my stop."

There was a large lab at the bottom of the station, along with a lab. "Hm... As if they didn't want us to find out where this lab was." Aloha said, then I felt hands on my neck. "Hey? What the shell?" Aloha yelled, and jumped above me, and Booyahed (I dunno if it's a proper word) into a small Killer Wail that popped out of nowhere. The person who tried to either take me or strangle me fell to the floor. "Whaaaaat the flop was that..?" "A compressed version of a Killer Wail that doesn't annihilate anyone who gets into it." He explained swiftly. I thought for a minute, then Aloha started tying up the body of the attacker. "Okay, we need to get out of sight. We don't know if we might be attacked again." He said, pointing to a crack in the wall that was just big enough for three Inklings to fit through. How convenient. On the way there, I asked Aloha how he got allowed here so fast. He replied, "That's not something you need to know juuuuuust yet~♪" He spoke in a don't-ask-more-or-else tone, so I just stayed quiet.

When the pale inkling who attacked us awoke, she stared at us and looked away. "Uh, why were youuuur hands arooooound my neck-" I asked her first, but Aloha cut me off. "Who are you? Why did you attack my friend here?"

The inkling replied, "My name is Scythia, and I was simply following orders. I was told that anyone who roamed around this formerly-thang station were to be imprisoned, never to see the light of day or night again." After a few seconds, she seemed to get less pale, her skin turning from the pale blue it was back to a normal skin tone. "For so long I was just a test subject, who had no free will." Scythia said shakily. "T-Thank you for freeing me with your Killer Wail. I'm also glad I'm not dead right now. That was also a worry."

Aloha was stunned. "Wow. Special Cooki works..." Scythia noticed what Aloha said. "The prototype cookies? They work?" "Uh- yeah I guess? I ate one..." Aloha blurt out. "Maybe not just one..." "You know Cooki stands for 'Cookies of Objective: Overpower Killer Inhabitants.' They were marked incomplete due to killing any controlled sea creature that ate one. "W-what do you mean?" Aloha asked nervously. Scythia continued to explain.

Emperor POV:

"I don't know where they went!" Rider screamed. "I'm worried about Gogs... Uh, and Mask and Alo too." "I have a feeling they went to look for him," Prinz said in a its-sorta-obvious tone.

I, however, noticed a light coming from a locker near the wall at the opposite side of the broken blender. I ran towards it. Unconsciously, I reached towards the number...

The number five.

I found myself in a version of what Aloha called the "Spinal Phase," an open room with a flat, square floor and two blocks that are inkable. A UFO  hovered over my head. On it was...


Aloha POV:

After Scythia finished her explanation, I was spooked a bit, but perfectly fine with it. I asked her if she wanted to join us...

Now Scythia has joined the team.

We were on our way to free Goggles, then a pale octoling guard jumped us

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We were on our way to free Goggles, then a pale octoling guard jumped us. Scythia quickly knocked her unconscious.

Pretty soon, we made it to the cell Goggles was in-

"ALO-" I heard a scream behind me, and the quiet, swift impact of a dart. Scythia jumped and I rushed aside. Two more darts flew by. We were under attack.

In a few moments, a shape I couldn't make out rushed towards Scythia, knocking her out in a single dash. The shape stopped for a moment. It was a Octoling who had a deeper shade of blue for skin.

She whirled towards me, but I did my best to dodge

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She whirled towards me, but I did my best to dodge. I didn't entirely make it. She hit my leg with a hard impact, but to my surprise, I wasn't affected. I felt a burst of energy surge through me, and I threw a kick at the octoling. It hit, and then I summoned out another mini-Killer Wail and nearly hit the octoling, but she knocked me to the ground, and the world faded to black.

??? POV:

"So...How did the intruders fare, Cyanthesis?" I bowed and gave my report. "Scythia turned, but was still inferior to my skill. As for the other two, one was easily captured. The other... He put up a good fight. If given the chance, he could be a soldier in our forces."

"Hmm... Interesting. I will consider it. Meanwhile... Take the other one to the cell. I will talk to Scythia myself, and send somebody else to capture the yellow-green witness."

"Yes master," I said.

Soon, I could see the world shrouded in darkness...

~End of Chapter 5.~

The darkness within will soon be discovered...

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