The Letter

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In the Mirrorbright, on their way to Kashyyyk

Sara was doing her best to control her thoughts and keep her focus on piloting her ship and not on how sexy her co-pilot looked. Ben glanced at her, occasionally, and smiled, and the already familiar conflicting desire to hurt him and kiss him surged inside of her every time. To help keep those feelings under control, she spoke to him just the extremely necessary, so most of the time she kept her mouth shut and her eyes on the panel and monitors.

Ben respected her silence, the last thing he needed was to annoy Sara, for he knew she could very well be true to her threat of freezing him in carbonite. He helped her whenever she asked for help, but mostly he just watched her piloting the ship, her blue eyes focused on the panel and monitors, occasionally glancing at him. He could sense her attraction whenever her blue eyes turned to him and that made him want to pull her towards him and kiss those pink lips (Is she wearing lipstick?), have her sit on his lap and touch her until their clothes came off.


A few hours after they had left Lothal's orbit, the control panel stopped working.

"What's...? Oh, no." Whispered Sara, flicking switches and clicking buttons that were completely unresponsive.

"I think we've been captured in a tractor beam."

"It looks like it. Fuck!" She looked out of the window in anger and worry. "But if they think they're getting my ship without a fight, they're in for a big surprise." She walked out of the cockpit and to the door, her purple lightsaber in hand ignited.

Ben followed her, igniting his lightsaber as well.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she exclaimed, turning to face him when she heard him igniting his weapon.

"Helping you?" Ben asked, a little confused by her question.

"With that thing?" she pointed to his crossguard red lightsaber. "That's Kylo Ren's lightsaber, idiot! I can't believe you haven't fixed it!"

"Fixed it?"

"Yes! 'Cause you're not a terrible evil Sith-apprentice that cracked your kyber crystal with your evil deeds – so you must've done something to make it red!" She turned her lightsaber off. "Give me that. And hold this." She took his lightsaber from him, turning it off, and gave her own for him to hold. She made his saber float in front of her, over her hands, quickly opening and analyzing it. "There it is." She picked something out of it and put it in her pocket, then she closed the hilt again, removing the crossguard feature.

The sound of the Mirrorbright being parked inside a hangar bay had them both turning on the lightsabers in their hands and getting ready to fight. The door was opened and Sara got ready to cut someone in the middle with Ben's, now dark blue, lightsaber when they heard: "Yes! I knew it was you two!"

"Father?" asked Ben, turning off the lightsaber.

Sara did the same as she stared at Han Solo and Chewbacca, completely baffled.

Ben walked down the ramp to hug his dad and the wookiee and Sara shook her head. "Why didn't you invite us in? Why use a tractor beam?" she asked as she walked towards them.

"And what would be the fun in that?" Replied Han.

"Fun? I can't believe it!' she said in exasperation, looking at both Solos and Chewie. "We could've hurt you!"

<"I told him it was a bad idea."> said the wookiee, hugging her.

"Leia asked us to offer our help if we happened to find you. I was dying to see you again, Ben! When your mother told me Sara had somehow rescued you, I was so relieved!" he pulled his son for another hug.

The Letter (Ben Solo/Kylo Ren & Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now