Me: hi before we start the story I'll gonna start the prologue and sorry for my late to continue my story series but thank you for your votes on my previous stories I mean thanks and enjoy the story
(Story begins)
In somewhere far away from equestria in the middle of the everfree forest an evil character in mlp show named king sombra was bored that his plan to control the crystal empire failedSombra: ugh! This is a shame! My plan my dreams are failed!!
Then his assistant came
Assistant: uh... Sir I have bad news
Sombra: what is it?
Assistant: queen chrysalis has defeated
Sombra: defeated by who?
Assistant: they say she's got defeated by a human named guitoun AEK from earth with the elements of harmony
Sombra: hmm... Do you have a way to travel to earth?
Assistant: it's not working with magical portals but a magical TV
Sombra: a magical TV?!
Assistant: but we have it may that human defeated chrysalis but he didn't know the TV is in our hands
Sombra: hmm, good now turn this thing on! I'll gonna attack earth and take revenge on that human!! Hahahaha!!!
To be continued
my little pony: ponies meets the real world season 4: rise of king sombra
Actionafter me and my cousin transferred to Annaba city king sombra has returned to take revenge on me and the mane 6 but I was find a way to defeat king sombra and save the earth and equestria