The Factory #2

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The Factory

Ever since I was little, I'd always run right into danger. I remember one year around Christmas, my cousins and I were playing truth or dare. My cousin dared me to take one of our sleds and slide down the roof of my house, and obviously, I did. My parents were horrified when they looked out the window and saw me land on the ground. I broke my arm in two places, and I was grounded for who knows how long, but it was worth it.

As I got older, I only chased after danger even more. People at my school began to think I was insane, or that I had a death wish. Neither of which is true. Well, I guess I could be considered slightly insane. I acquired a reputation of never turning down a challenge. I did everything that no one else dared to do.

People always ask me why I never turn down a dare, I guess I just like being able to do what everyone else wouldn't dare to do. The feeling after accomplishing something no one believed you could do was exhilarating. I chased after that feeling every day. After all, life is so boring without a bit of danger.

"Amy wait up!!" I turned around to see my friend Joel running at me at full speed down the hallway. He was a short kid, even shorter than me. Nothing really special about him, he was quiet and reserved. I was practically his only friend, and even me becoming his friend was a miracle. I took him under my wing in middle school, he looked like he needed somebody that could stand up for him and I always needed somebody to have my back. Though the only thing he did was my homework and occasionally cover for me when I'd skip.

I'm really not that bad of a kid, I just do what most kids don't, ya know? Anyways, Joel's recognizable crimson jacket trailed behind him as he continued sprinting down the hall. His bright blue eyes contrasted his bushy brown hair that bounced at his every footstep. His freckles were hidden behind a light blush as he skidded to a halt.

"What's up Squint?" I asked casually, taking his glasses and still making my way down the hall. He had a hard time keeping up with my pace but was able to manage. I really didn't like being seen with him in the halls. Everybody assumed this nerd was my twin. We've got the same bushy brown hair and bright blue eyes. Luckily I don't have freckles.

"You know that warehouse on Marble Fawn Road and Eaglebend Drive? The old toy factory that shut down a couple of years ago?" He asked fidgeting with his hands.

"Of course I do, who doesn't?" I retorted tugging on my backpack straps. Everybody knew about what happened there. The huge building sat wedged between two mountains. Half of the place was chard almost unrecognizable from the side left untouched. Years back some old guy went into the building and shot it up. He tried to burn down the building to destroy the evidence but the fire department was there before the gigantic building had time to burn to the ground. The corpses left by the shooter were untouched because of the quick action taken by the fire department.

"Oh ya sorry, well umm Rachel Donnet and Brandon Chivet want to give you a dare." He mumbled switching from fumbling with his hands to the hem of his shirt.

"The two most popular seniors at our school want to give me a dare? Also, stop doing that with your shirt, it's aggravating." I scolded. I thought about what he had said as we exited the almost empty school building. I honestly just wanted to go home and sleep, it was a Friday after all, but my interest was peaked.

"Ya, they said that if you could actually complete it, they'd do something for you, whether it be you sitting at their lunch table or them doing your work for a week." Joel continues. It was definitely unexpected to hear from them. Everybody knows I can do and will do everything, but why would the coolest people at school take an interest in me?

"What's the dare?" I finally asked. He had mentioned the old factory but not what I had to do. Don't get me wrong, danger is what I live for but this place could give anybody the creeps. The way each plank of wood creaked and swayed with each gust of wind. The smell of burnt plastic and rotting animals just added to the suspense and not knowing what lurks just past your field of vision. It was just not a good place to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2019 ⏰

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