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— Kwon Minsik

It is 01:48 AM right now.

Is this what they said "Fall in Love" is like ?

I mean I do love girls, but this one there's like a feeling to owning the girl. Lila.

I drink more of my wine. I am going to have a shoot for Dingo for the last 2 weeks with Junwon hyung and Jaebum hyung which means I can't be near her too.

Well guess who take a picture of her silently. Me.

I am looking at my screen right now, there's when I take her in front off her house.

am thinking whether i should text her to tell her that I'm going to be busy and won't look at the phone often.

Three wine not gonna makes me drunk. So I decide to call Junwon hyung for opinion.

"I want to ask for your opinion" I talked to him as soon as he picked up the call.

"Hey, be more polite. Say hello first" He scolded me.

"Ah.. Yoboseyo.. , Okay ?"

"Okay.., Why are calling me ? It's like almost 2 AM. Dude shall be sleeping right now, you waking me up"

"Gosh, i just want ask your opinion.."

"Can't you just do it tomorrow ? You should take care of your body bro, tomorrow we'll be having some series shoot, Babo-ya.."

"Wow, since when you're being talkative"

"Ah.. Minsik what do you want to ask ?"

"Thank God you finally asks, speaking of shoot, I know we will have a shoot tomorrow and uh... you know... i told Lila about how i feel.. "

"Ah, you do ?" He sounds so careless. Wow.

"Hyung.. I'm serious. Well, she told me she would try to open her heart for me.. but.."

"About the shooting ? Boy you should be professional. You should focus on your shoot first." He cut me.

"I always focus on my works. Listen to me first"

"Okay, go ahead"

"So.. should I text her today that I will be busy for the past week or just let.. it.. be ?" I asked.

"Wait. Is that really your question?"

"Yes it is"

"Are you drunk ?"

"Uh.. 5%"

"Where you at ?"

"My house"

"Oh my God..."

"Why ?"

"I feel so pitiful for you"

"Hyung why ?"

"You should go to sleep it's already 2 AM"

"Hyung... For real.."

"Ah.. our Minsik.."

"Why ?"

"You really need my answer ?"

"Yes. Of course!"

"Oh my God. Text her you dumb.."

"Ah okay! Thankyou for the suggestion!"

"You really become dumb because of love huh ?"

"What ? No.. Well, I was going to do that before"

"Whatever. Let me sleep"

"Ne, Bye hyung. Have a nice dream!"

I'm cleaning all the dishes before going to bed. I'm opening my phone.

Looking at my phone which my wallpaper is her. She's really pretty. I can't stop saying that. Minsik ya! it's time to sleep. Get a better sleep. Remember, tomorrow you'll fight for some won.

—Kwon Lila.

So.. He really is interest in me. Nope, he said that he loves me. Should I really just believe him ? He is a star. A superstar. He surrounded by a lot of pretty girl. Even prettier than me.

I'm moving uncomfortably in my bed. I'm taking the phone that I charged before. As usual i see his face on my wallpaper. Oh My God. I should remember my position.

He is an Idol, my idol and I am his fans. Reality really do hit me right now. I open lockscreen and open Kakao Talk. He just sending me a new message. No it's actually an hour ago.

Minsik sunbae
Have you sleep yet ?

Oh My God. I missed his chat.

Should I answer him now ? But, isn't he gonna think like 'She said she wasn't sleeping but she didn't answer me quick.' Oh my god what should I do..

Okay answer him, wait don't open the kakao talk write it on Notes. 'I haven't sleep yet sunbae, i was going to sleep. Sorry that I'm not answering you earlier. I was charging my phone.' Done. Should I send this ?

NO!! No.. it's already an hour he already sleeping at this time and.. he probably send it to another person, he wrongly text me.

But what if he really text me ? No. Stop dreaming.

I almost forgot about what I'll be doing, i was gonna call Jin-Ah about what just happened. I told Jin-Ah that Minsik sunbae will ride me home and she went crazy about it telling that Minsik is deeply intrested with me. I mean there's no other way that he will tho.

"Ya! It's morning! I am on my sleep right now!!Why you always call me in the morning!!" Jin-Ah jokingly being grumpy again. I know she's not actually being mad, she just joking.

"Saranghae Jin-Ah yaa.., So, I want to tell you.. the.. "

"Ah! Tell me now! I am totally awake now."

"I know you actually waiting for me telling the story right ?"

"Yah.. C'mon"

"Okay, okay.. so.." I told her everything from the part that I come into his car, he asked me about my trainees days, to that one part when he asked me to open my heart for him.

"Heol, That's crazy. I really gonna be crying ugly and having a beautiful dream if i was you Lila-ya" Jin-Ah answered.

"If i sleep now, you will be mad at me because I'm not telling you the story Jin-ah ya.."

"Uhm, that's right tho. Okay in conclusion. HE REALLY LIKED YOUU!!!" She 2  suddenly.

"Omo.. Jin-Ah, my ears just bleeding right now. Why you shouting ?"

"Because it is SOO CUTE, Lila! Marry that man already!!"

"Ya! You crazy ?"

We talked a lot more after that. Jin-Ah always told me that he is crushing on me. Well, actually I alnost felt into that "He is crushing on me" things since he already said that but somehow the position between him and me just remind me to stay in the line where it said "Stop dreaming"

"Lila, I'm going to sleep now ok ? Bye" Just like that she hang up my call. Wow. What a bestie.

I look at the time in my phone it's 4AM already. Oh no. I should go to sleep or Mom gonna kill me. Typical asian mom.

But before I turn off my phone a message popped up in the notification. Heol. It's from Minsik sunbae.

Minsik sunbae
You've online all the time ? why don't you sleep yet ?

So the message was really for me..

to be continued. im sorry if this takes a really loooonggg time to update well.. its kinda unexpected that this fanfic actually got 700+ views thankssssssssss to u guys who read this and vote on this story. also leave a comment either for recommendation for the next story or critiques!! see you in the next chapter❤

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