Chapter One: Gone with the Night

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Carmen's Palace Mansion, 1492

Carmen was rocking the cradle with her three little ones. She was humming a beautiful tune that nobody could quite place. England and France watched from the doorway, smiling at her and their children. It was going to be six months in a few days that they had their absolutely adorable babies. Prussia and Scotland gently slapped England's back and Portugal rubbed France's back.

"Jou did good, broha," Prussia smiled at his newest nephews. He loved them so much, his eyes were softer around them. Everybody noticed, especially Austria and Hungary. Prussia adored them and did everything he could to amuse them. He even let Gilbird peck his head for two hours straight because it made them laugh.

"Ay! He's right lad! The three of them are gonna be wee troublemakers! Just like you were!" Scotland jested, making the others laugh and England blush. Scotland had become a lot gentler upon the arrival of his nephews. He was more enthusiastic, especially when he was telling them his old fairytales.

"Stuff it, Allistor! You'll wake them up!" England whispered yelled. The group quieted down and continued to watch Carmen rock the New World Triplets. Francis slowly approached the cradle and brushed Canada's hair from his face. The gaze he gave his sons was nothing short of sparkling. You could feel the love from his eyes, and his cheeks had the warm glow of a proud papa.

"Zey truly are precious, non? I will never let anyzing 'appen to zem," France cooed. England also walked up to the cradle, brushing his gloved hand against America's hair. The fierce pirate was all mushy now that he had blood sons of his own. Yes, his multiple colonies were precious to him. But, England MADE these children. They were a part of HIM.

"It's a miracle," England started. The two other parents stared at him in confusion, "the frog and I can finally agree on something,"  Francis smiled and hugged England. The other nations left the parents be with the babies, heading to their respected rooms to prepare for bed.

"Dad," a small voice said from the doorway. England turned and saw toddler Hong Kong standing there, with his kitty plushie, rubbing his eyes. A toddler Australia was next to him, along with toddler Philippines, and Seychelles. Child Brazil, India, and Monaco were also there.

"Yes, Leon?" England walked over and knelt down to the group of children. That's when he noticed all the children were there: all of South America, the Caribbean, Africa, and Central America were there in their pajamas.

"We behaved nicely today. Can we sleep in here with our baby brothers?" Hong Kong clasped his hands together.

"Please, dad. We promise not to fight. We'll be good," Australia also clasped his hands together. All the children followed the example, Philippines adding puppy dog eyes. It was super effective of the now soft-hearted scallywag.

"Alright, everybody go fetch a blanket and pillow from your room and pick a spot. I don't want any fighting, or you won't be allowed to do this again," England replied sternly, but there was still love in his voice. The children colonies cheered happily and hurriedly went to get the needed items. France and Spain laughed softly as within a minutes all the colonies had lined the nursery. Spain, France, and England went around kissing the children goodnight.

"Goodnight!" Carmen whispered to the colonies.

"Goodnight Mami!" all the colonies whispered back. Even though the three empires didn't birth the children, when the New World triplets were born they all became a family. Spain gently shut the door and went down the corridor with the two men. But she felt funny like something was off somewhere. The men noticed the uneased expression on her face and walked up to her.

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