prolouge - the escape plan

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" you know the plan right?" One figure asks the other as they rush about their quarters at the dead of night gathering all the bits they need for what they are about to do. The other nods " yeah I know creep through the palace, go to the dungeons and escape through the walls retrieve the object and escape into the town." the second replies in a bored tone. 

"you ready?" the first asks the second and the other just nods before gathering some bits and stowing them inside his cloak along with handing some of the other bits to the other "is he in position?" the second gives the are you serious look before nodding as confirmation that he was in place. 

the two figures creep quietly through the palace attempting not to be spotted by the guards patrolling the corridors late at night, the pair pull their cloaks tighter around their bodies and their hoods lower over their pale faces and continue to slip through the shadows created by the neatly aligned suits of armour making sure they aren't seen.  as a guard comes round the corner they slip through the door and dash down the dark dingy staircase, Bingo the stair case to the dungeon! 

as they approach the section where the more high risk criminals are kept, they quickly duck behind a statue that stands near by as a guard wanders past and back up the stairs to the main floor of the palace, as they approach the section of the dungeons they needed they see a guard guarding the corridor  they need to  get to, the smaller figure picks up a small stone and tosses it to the corridor to the left of the guard, this get the guards attention and but he doesn't leave his post so the figure tosses a couple more stones until the guard finally leaves his post to find out what the noise was allowing the pair to slip past and they begin to check the cells.

one sighs in frustration and boredom not really wanting to be doing this especially since they were coming up empty , all they were finding were cobwebs, spiders and skeletons of past inmates, rats and old food trays. "she has got to be here" the first whispers " he wouldn't  be guarding it other wise, we will check the last cell and then we will go" they turn the corner to the last cell and find what they were looking for, more like who they were looking for. 

sitting in the corner on the old stone floor with their back to the pair and chained to the wall was a young female, who you would think was human unless you looked at her closely. the young female was thin and had pale skin with long white hair, pointed ear and horns that curled around her head, when you looked at her hands you could see clearly that she only had four fingers. why? because she was an elf, a moon elf to be exact.

the taller figure bends down and produces a lock picking set from somewhere in his cloak successfully picking the lock and the cell door creaks quietly open and the pair walk inside getting a proper look at the inside of the cell. there was a bed down one wall, at the end was a pile of old trays, the top had untouched food from that day. on other wall there was a toilet other then that the cell was bare. 

"no dont hurt me" she began to say " i don't know anything about the recent attacks on Catallis from Zaydia" she repeats this over and over again whilst looking at whatever was glowing through the grates above her head, the boys allow their hoods to drop revealing two teenagers under the cloak.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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