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- park jae-in -

The fresh smell of cakes and coffee hit my cold and freezing nose, making me sigh in happiness. It was cold outside and I was immediately enveloped in warmth when I entered the cosy cafe.

"I thought you were busy today?"

Seunghee asked as I browsed through all the cakes, wondering which one I should taste today.

"You know my mom, always busy, she cancelled on me because she had an important meeting to I thought, why not come visit my best friend at work," I said, giving her a smile before going back to deciding on something to eat.

"Awh well I'm glad your here, Rowoon just left before for his classes."

I looked up at her, playfully rolling my eyes. "Thank god I came after he left, or I would've had to witness your lovey dovey moments."

She laughed at my comment, "I told you many times, just get a boyfriend already!"

"I'm fine," I said, sighing before continuing.

"For now...give me a slice of oreo cake and vanilla latte."

I went to a vacant table and sat down. The perks of having my best friend's mom own one of the best cafe's in Seoul was that I could come whenever I wanted, no matter the time.

A few minutes passed and Seunghee was in front of me, with my cake and latte.

"You're the best you know," I clapped my hands together in excitement.

She sat down opposite me while laughing. "I know."

I took a bite of the cake, complimenting her on how good it was.

"So tell is my best friend?" She asked.

I put my vanilla latte down, looking at her. "You know me, nothing out of the ordinary."

"Innie, you really need to get out, your turning 21 in a few weeks for god's sake! I swear you're the only girl our age that doesn't have a love life, espically with your looks!" she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Why do you still call me Innie? And in such a public place, stop," I whispered.

"I've given you that nickname since we were 4, it's my choice! And did you just ignore what I said!?"

"No, I heard you...I just don't know what to know my parents, and even if I did would have to be a posh man with wealth, and they're all snobs," I huffed, playing with my straw.

"God it sucks to be you...but hey, I had an invitation for you..." she trailed off.

"What invitation?"

"Okay so you know Rowoon...well he has a friend whose hosting a party on Friday, you down?"

"Are you crazy? Anyways..parties are not for me."

"Oh come on! I'll be there so make some shit to your parents saying your going out to the movies with me," she said with pleading eyes.

"I don't know, if my mom finds out, she would ground me for weeks."

"That's it, I'm telling your mom right now," she pulled out her phone making me widen my eyes.

"Seunghee don't—"

"Good evening to you aswell..oh no nothing's wrong, I was just wondering if I could take Jae-in out to the movie's this Friday?" her eyes shone with mischievousness.

I heard my mom straight away agree under the conditions that we must stick together and not wander alone.

Seunghee put the phone down with a proud smile and a hair flick.

"That was too easy, she absolutely loves me."

"Yeah yeah whatever."

We talked for a bit before she had to go back for the last shift of the night.

"I'll get going then, it's already 7 my mom will kill me if it gets any later," I said, putting on my coat again.

"Get a taxi, there's alot of creepy dudes that lurk around here," Seunghee said making me nod.

"Yeah I'll be careful."

The cold air hit me as soon as I opened the door, as a shiver ran down my spine. I instantly felt like someone was watching me but when I looked around the wet streets, I couldn't see anyone.

maybe I'm going crazy after what Seunghee just said.

I did the buttons of my coat before taking out my phone, calling a taxi. After calling them, I texted my mom to tell her I was on my way home.

Just then I felt someone walk towards me, I looked to my right to see a tall slender figure bend down and pick up something near my feet before looking up at me.

"You dropped this," his deep but soft voice spoke.

I looked at him, I couldn't really see his face since he had a hoodie over his head and a beanie on, even a mask, and now that I noticed, he was covered in black from head to toe.

But his eyes...they were so dark and mysterious, so alluring that I just couldn't look away.

"Um hello?"

I looked away for a second, quickly coming back to my senses.

"Sorry I-....when did I drop that?" I muttered, my eyes falling down to his hands holding my credit card.

"You dropped it when you got out your phone, you should be more careful...a credit card isn't something you should be careless about....and you don't get nice people like me all the time," he said, handing it to me.

"Th-Thank you," I replied quietly.

why did I stutter!?...must be the cold

That's when I realized, he was probably the one staring at me since he knew I dropped it.

"Were you...watching me?" I asked carefully, a chill going down my spine.

He chuckled, eyes closing slightly, I haven't even seen his entire face but god that was so attractive.

"Oh darling, please don't get the wrong idea, I just happen to get curious when I saw a pretty hot girl around here at this time of an idol by any chance?" he asked, tilting his head a little to the side.

I turned my body away from him and faced the road.

"That's none of your business," I muttered.

I would've answered him properly if he had some common manners.

"Well I think your cab is here, so I'll see you around?" he dared to wink at me before turning away from my view.

"How did you—" I couldn't finish my words since he was already walking away.

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