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yoon  jeonghan

yoon  jeonghan

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A story I've been having idea's for quite a while now, it might have slow updates now and then mostly since I will be showing a bit more attention to my other book.

⋆♡ - ♡⋆

y o u   s h o u l d   k n o w

many of the characters names will be familiar to people, because some names used are the names of kpop idols.
Now just because the names are used, it does not mean I ship them or something. The names just came into my head :)

w a r n i n g s

vampires / smut / cursing / violence / harrasment / death / blood / gore / use and mentions of drugs and alcohol / possessive behaviour / yoon jeonghan

"If this insult's you in any way, shape or form I advise you to leave right now :)"

m a t u r e

since this book is on mature
content, I won't be adding warnings
at the start of chapters.

I personally think no one under 16 should be reading this,

but I can't stop you ~~


aphrodisia // yoon jeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now