Chapter 14

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I decided to have a talk with the Moon Goddess. She was more experienced than I. Of course, I had to wait a couple of weeks to strengthen my abilities after my short coma. Right now, I was being forced to see the pack doctor for a check up. All courtesy of Dax.

"It's not that bad, love," Dax chuckled as he set me down on the bed.

"Easy for you to say. You're forgetting you're talking to quite a powerful Protector," I stated, sighing in annoyance.

"Love, just humor me. Yeah?" he asked, begged, as he leant down and kissed my jaw, making tingles erupt at his touch. I gave a dramatic sigh before nodding, looking up at him to see a huge smile. My lips quirked up at this. He pulled away as I heard the doctor approach, standing up straight.

"Good afternoon, sir. Miss Sartori, how are you feeling?" the doctor, a slender man in his early thirties, greeted.

"Perfectly fine. Dax, here, has turned into a momma bird," I teased, looking at Dax who had a raised eyebrow. The doctor chuckled.

"May I have your name, doctor? I don't want to refer to you as doctor all the time," Dax said, reading my mind (not literally).

"Alessandro Vitali," he said, bowing at me. I quirked an eyebrow. "It is a pleasure to meet our Protector," he said. "An honor, really," he added. I grimaced.

"Don't bow at me. It reminds me of the supposed princess I am. I'd rather not. How is it you know that I am your Protector?" I said, looking at him. He smiled.

"I was in your training when you said your title and kicked out the pack slut, as you kids liked to call her," he said. I smirked.

"You got a sense of humor. I like that," I said, winking at him. He chuckled but Dax, being the over-protective and jealous boyfriend, growled lowly. The doctor straightened up and bowed his head in submission. "Ignore momma bird. He's just jealous I'm not winking at him," I said, smiling at Dax. Dax rolled his eyes but smiled back. He leant down and gave me a soft kiss. I responded but quickly ended it, knowing how uncomfortable Alessandro was getting. "So, Sandro, I'm ready to go through this torture," I joked. The doctor laughed and proceeded to an ultrasound. Dax stood on the opposite side of the doctor, holding my hand softly and looking at the screen.

Thump. Thump. Thump. I heard my baby's heart. Then I heard another. I turned to the screen, eyes wide. The doctor had heard it, too.

Thump, Thump. Thump, Thump. The doctor turned to us, smiling.

"Twins?" I asked. He nodded.

"Congrats," he said, before turning off the machine and cleaning my soon-to-be swollen belly. He exited the room, and I turned to Dax who was grinning like a child on Christmas morning.

"I love you so much. All three of you," he said, kissing my belly twice. Then he picked me up and brought me in for a passionate kiss.

"We love you, too," I replied against his lips.


"Come in," I said as soon as someone knocked. It was Alessa and Dax. I could smell them approaching. I was currently in my office, looking over some pack business reports. I looked up to see Alessa, as beautiful as always, holding Dax's hand. She smiled at me, and I returned it. I nodded at Dax in acknowledgement. He nodded back stiffly.

"Hey, Selden. How are you feeling?" she asked. It had been almost two weeks since she had told me she was going to help me. I had been feeling normal since then. It was as if I had no poison running through me, slowly killing me.

"Better. I haven't had any pain or weakness," I said, motioning for them to take a seat. Alessa sat, followed by a stiff Dax.

"Glad to hear. This will be temporary. I think Dax slowed, if not froze, the poison for a couple weeks. I'll have to try to do it myself, to see if I can freeze it for a couple months," she said, making Dax turn to her. I knew what he was thinking. I shook my head.

"I'm not going to let you do that during your pregnancy. It could weaken you and hurt your baby," I said. Dax nodded.

"He's right. I will not allow you to do that. I'm not going to risk you or our babies," Dax added. I looked at them in confusion.

"Babies?" I asked. Dax turned to look at me and nodded, his lips quirking up.

"Twins," he stated happily. A pang of jealousy hit me, but I didn't show it. Or I thought I didn't.

"Selden....I know that it will be difficult, but, once we're through with this, I will introduce you to someone special. I know you'll like her," she said in a soft tone. I gave her a sad smile.

If I make it through this, I thought.

"You will make it through this. I assure you. Don't think that way. I will talk to the Moon Goddess soon. In the meantime, I'd like to have a few samples of your blood. I can try to find something to help," she said. I nodded, feeling even more guilty for ever rejecting her and for my insults during my uncontrolled outbursts.

"I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you. I will make it up to you. I won't interfere between you and Dax anymore. I, Alpha Selden Woods, give you, Alessa Sartori, my word," I said, knowing well that I was not going back on my word.

"What's done is done, but thank you. I will hold you to that," she said. I smiled and nodded.

"I won't fail you," I said. Dax gave me a nod, this time it wasn't a stiff nod. He offered me his hand, and I took it. I knew he would be a great mate and father. I wanted nothing but happiness for Alessa. She deserved a wonderful life. 'Thank you' I mind linked Dax. He was now able to mind link with me because about a week ago, we decided that it'd be best to communicate properly with Alessa around and pregnant. It was for her safety, which we both wanted.

'No need' he replied, looking straight at me.

'I'm glad you're both finally getting along,' Alessa's voice filled my mind, making me jump in surprise. I looked at her with wide eyes. 'Don't be so surprised. I knew as soon as you created the mind bond. I just pretended not to know,' Alessa answered, giving us both a smirk.

"I should've seen this coming," Dax muttered. Alessa smiled and wrapped her arm around his waist. Dax bent lower and kissed her. Another wave of jealousy hit me, but I ignored it. They were meant to be happy. I looked away, observing the papers on my desk.

"I will be by later for some samples. Sound good?" Alessa asked. I looked up to see them sitting back down on their chairs.

"Great. I'll be in my room and I'll notify the pack doctor," I told her. She nodded and smiled, standing up and giving me a friendly kiss on the cheek before turning and exiting. Dax stood slowly and nodded before also turning and following Alessa. I sighed, leaning back in my chair.

How had I rejected such a mate? I really was stupid. Werewolf or not, she would've made a wonderful Luna. I shook my head. It's too late for that. What's done is done. There's no turning back now. I suppose I shall go talk to my beta, just in case I don't make it out of this one.

With that thought in mind, I left my office and headed to my beta's room. I would have to talk to my dad as well.


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