Cԋαρƚҽɾ 7

657 28 3

3rd Person POV:

Our trio ventured through a forest as they head toward the direction of Balbadd.

"Hey, hey," Aladdin began as he walked in the front with Hoshimi behind him and Morgiana beside her. "You're going to Balbadd so you can get on a ship to your homeland, right, Morg?"

"Yes. And I've wanted to see you for a long time," Morgiana replied with her stoic tone. "I've been wanting to thank you and Hoshimi...and Alibaba."

The sibling stopped as they turned to the Fanalis girl with confused expressions. "Thank us?" Hoshimi asked.

Morgiana smiled. "I am truly grateful to you for giving me a future of freedom. Thank you, Aladdin, Hoshimi." Before going down and kneeling down in front of them.

"Hey! Come on, don't do that, Morg." Aladdin protested. "I'm sure Alibaba feels the same way I do - he'd tell you that there's no need to thank him!"

That made Morgiana looked up from her kneeling position with a confused look.

"Because Alibaba's that nice of a guy, you know!" Aladdin finished with a big grin as Hoshimi and Morgiana smiled at him. "Oh, boy - now I can't wait to see Alibaba, either!"

Hoshimi chuckled before pointing ahead. "We will be able to meet him if we take this road." She said as the youngsters looked at her before turning to the path.

"Yeah, that's right!" Aladdin exclaimed.

Hoshimi smiled warmly at her little brother and as they were about to take a step to their destination. A tall man with attractive facial features and tan skin as well as muscular build, appeared out of nowhere with his arms wide opened and he walked toward them with a casual grin on his face...(oh! Did I forget to mention that he's NAKED with only a leaf covering his peepee!!!)

Morgiana and Aladdin stared at him with zero expression while Hoshimi stood behind them with utter shocked on her face.

Morgiana and Aladdin stared at him with zero expression while Hoshimi stood behind them with utter shocked on her face

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"Hey, you guys." The man greeted like nothing is wrong. "Nice weather today, huh?"

. . .

. . .

. . .

"GAHHHHH!" Hoshimi let out a loud scream of embarrassment as she turned around and covered her eyes while Morgiana and Aladdin took battle position.

"Look out, Onee-san, Morg! Get back!"

"Just leave this to me!"

"H-Hey, no-!"

"But he might be a monster!"

"I'm not! Just hear me out, okay?"


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