Attempt 1: Day 7

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I always right my notes in the midnight to conclude everything that happen in a day.

Bad news is, the sun hasn't set yet but I already want to right this down.

This morning I planned to study for my exam because I was too overwhelmed with online shopping the day before.
And guess who come? Yes, it's him.

We had a fight and throw arguments to each other. But as always, he never loses.

I end up giving up because half of my heart still want to keep him around me.

But I hate him too.

His words made me so angry and I feel that I somehow don't love him anymore. But if love doesn't holding me back, then why should I stay? Comfort? Maybe.

I'm not ready opening myself to someone new, introduce myself, open up my old wound. I probably will compare the new guy to him. Even he's a jerk.

I don't know will I talk to him again or not but I really don't wanna talk to him now.

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