Fang: kiss, marry, kill -- me, Boboiboy, Gopal
Kaizo: Kiss you, marry you and kill RamenMan.
RamenMan: I wasn't even one of the options, what the fuck?
Gopal, trying to flirt: We look cute together.
Ying: I look cute with everybody.
Solar: you are literally too stupid to insult.
Ice: aww thankyou.
Boboiboy, season 1:
Thunderstorms: I have feelings for you.
Kaizo: ... you do...?
Thunderstorms: yeah. I feel you're little annoying.
Cyclone: hey hotstuff, where are you from?
Ice: hell.
Gopal: when will you understand?!
Gopal: ALieNs ExIsT!
Boboiboy, literally 2:37 am: Gopal please..
Blaze: knock knock!
Solar: who's their?
Blaze: *there
Blaze: you fucking asshole, I dont even want to tell the joke.
Fangirls: when are you gonna fall in love?
Kaizo: I can't even fall asleep
Thorn: did you just flirt with me?
Solar: have been for the past year but thanks your noticing.
Quake, annoyed: I should have left you on that street corner where you were standing.
Thunderstorms: bUt U DIdN'T!
Blaze: Don't go in the living room.
Ice: why not?
Blaze: I saw a spider.
Ice: why didn't you kill it?
Blaze: I have two arms and it has eight. How's that fair?
Teacher: you should always say 'Please' and 'Thankyou'
Thunderstorms: Please shut the fuck up, thank you.
Thorn: Can you imagine being paid to be cute?
Solar: you'd be billionaire.
Thorn: what?
Solar: what?
Lahap: what's that bottle next to you?
Kaizo: it's water.
Lahap: that's not water, it's wine.
Kaizo: Listen here Jesus, I said it's water.
Cyclone: am I in trouble?
Quake: have a guess.
Cyclone: no?
Quake: have a another guess.
Thunderstorms: SEE YOU IN HELL!
Blaze: are you asking me on a date? Case I accept!
Thunderstorms, having a mental breakdown: why.
Ying: my criminal record?
Ying: the only crime I commited was killing it on the dance floor, haha
Ying: well no, actually. I have killed a man.
Fang, giving advice: if you hear weird noises at night, just make weirder noises to assert dominance.
Gopal: maybe a hot chocolate wants to be called pretty chocolate for once.
Boboiboy, crying: please let me sleep it's been 3 days for god sake.
Blaze: I don't like it.
Ice, half sleeping: you don't like everything.
Blaze: well, I like sleeping with you.
Ice: triggered
Quake: would you like to stay for dinner?
RamenMan: first time I met Kaizo, he gave me 10 dollars. It wasn't necessary and nobody asked, but he still did it.
Kaizo: I thought he was homeless.