hard and light love-ling x readers

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✉ special thanks for this person⤵,for requesting this hero↪ling✒


rqst genre:fluff,angst(don't worry,even though i answered to your comment on the previous chapter that i do not write lemon,well i promised to also create you one,a very good one>;)

rqst hero:ling-cyan finch

p.s:used fanart image doesn't belong to me,it belongs to its rightful owner.

my love,for you,is like...a feather glided across the heavenly skies,were my love for you is such a delicate love,but despite of the enlightenment,it can be a hardcore for me to love you as i'll always remember that you can't love me back.

ling's p.o.v:

the morning imaginary dust of the land of dawn suddenly drifted me awake as i noticed myself lying in a grassy open field were i believed,is my training area,and just the soon as i was concioused by my awakening,soon i started to realized that i suddenly discontinued my training because of my sudden lousiness,and by that means,i missed my daily training schedule,in which i have to train harder just because to see myself improving.its been 2 weeks since i started training,practicing my abilities to put it on a test,and reveal something about my identity,and yet because of millions of hours training in this battlefield,the tiredness soon travels all over my body and quickly signals me to take a rest for all of these hardworkings,to prove that im a worthy warrior to pick up a fight with.

just as soon as i keep myself awake,i quickly get up and headed back to my home to get ready for school,because of my requirement, i have forgotten about school,the lesssons that i should keep up with,besides if i want to see myself improving,then i also need to work hard with my grades,failure is'nt a part of my vocabulary to me, i often doubt that word.

so as i insisted,the walking made my retrieving complete,soon i made my way.on my home.i tried to open the doorknob of the front door but then suddenly i realized that it was lock,how stupid am i to do such thing...

as the door was locked,i immediately look for my pocket,to see if i have bought the house keys,and as i was expected,it was from my pocket,so i grabbed it out from my pocket and unlock the locked door.

as i enter,i began to head upstairs into my room and began to change my clothes.(let's skip this part,shall we?)


i've now change my clothes into a gray blazered polo with black pants,that represents my school uniform,then i grab my bag and immediately left the house with the door locked.

the school is a bit farther from my home,so i decided first to walk onto a nearest bus stop around our place and when i got into the bus stop,coincidentally the school bus arrived,as the vehicle stops by,i was urgent to ran hurriedly towards the entrance of the bus,when suddenly a moment of odd misunderstanding happened.

because of my furious speed,a complete stranger suddenly fell as i ran so fast,in order for me to kept my patience in a clear way,i immediately lift her up as a sign a helping reward.

after what had happened,the person that got hardly pushed in the ground turned around to face me contactly.then she removed her black mask worn around her nose and mouth part and began to breathe in deeply.go ahead,you can confrot with me,i simply don't care,i would knew she would do that in any minute.

"are you blind or you're just impatient...?!!!!...oh,i..i..what i meant w-w-was..." the girl who's complaining immediately stammers with her nervousness that i could read through her face,i could noticed her sweat slowly dripping from her head.

woah...sh-sh-she's...y/n...my beloved dove,or in short my secret crush.

"o-o-oh...i...uh...didn't notice you,im so sorry,i should've not run furiously that someone could get hurt" i sincerely apologized.

"it's fine ling,as long as you could never do that again,oh we should get to our seats now" she said so softly. i heaved my eyes secretly,it felt very romantic as my beloved one is...just...very...sweet...and flicked a small grin,i can't stop this irritant thing to me yet it felt so good.

that misunderstanding just gets things upside down,for once i knew it would become​ twisted but somehow i'm slightly unsure if the one i'm ready to began expecting would become worst.after that commotion,the bus starts to operate again and later on starts the engine,as the vroom of the bus would be herd.well since it's running late when taking a seat fastly,i just decided to seat beside a window,were i could easily reflect something that was processed inside of my mind.

and at the same time...

"so, ready for school ling?"y/n said cutely while she began to sit beside me,causing me to felt so warm towards her,and even blush hardly as she was sitting next to me,well,if you ever had a crush,i'm sure you'll get hell crazy as this scenario is currently happening.

moments passed by,i remained silent, refraining myself to talk to my crush, because it felt like kinda awkward for me to adjust myself,i mean i am really use myself of being alone.

a few minutes passed by,i herd y/n suddenly yawning and by that moment...

she lean on to my shoulder and slowly close her eyes.


(p.s:whoops,it's not yet done,it's incomplete,I really wanted to publish this full but i sincerely sorry because someone have been waiting for this for a long time,but right after I publish this,ill immediately going to continue this chapter,so good luck reading and bye~😘)

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