chapter twelve

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The fools hadn't expected her to put up a fight. But damned if she was going to just stand there while they messed with Steve.

While Sin and one of the guards maneuvered him to the gurney, Maria swung her fist at the guard standing closest to her. It was the man she'd stolen the phone from, and he was not happy about being struck. Ducking, he rammed his fist into her stomach, making her double-over with an "oof!" But that didn't keep her down long--she was up and pummeling the flat of her hand into his nose in moments. He yelped, trying to keep her from breaking his nose, and they went down in a tangle of limbs, rolling across the floor.

With an exasperated, "For FUCK'S sake!" Sin yanked Maria up and threw her at the other guard.

"Keep her subdued," Sin snapped. "Honestly, Gibbons. You're worthless lately," she said to the man on the floor. Gibbons swore, then moved to stand behind Maria, elbowing her harshly in the back.

She grunted but didn't care. The exchange had let her learn a useful detail. Gibbons, the idiot, still had his phone.

She'd be stealing it back before the day was over.

But for now she stopped struggling. Sin stood too close, she still wouldn't be able to take on the enhanced woman.

When Sinthea tauntingly ran the scalpel down the side of Steve's face, Maria saw red. They hadn't bothered to tie him down with anything more than a few straps, and Steve didn't even flinch when Sin sliced his cheek with the scalpel.

Maria yanked against the arms holding her back, hissing at the redhead. God, she hated this. She needed to end this and get them out of there. Seeing Steve tormented ripped at her, made parts of her heart she'd locked away long ago flicker. Why did he always have to be the one to suffer so much? The man had given all he had time and time again, couldn't he just catch a damn break once in a while?

Sin caught the look on her face, and smirked.

"Don't get upset yet, Lieutenant, I'm just getting started," Sin stated. "Doc, go ahead and start collecting samples. I'll---"

She was interrupted by another person stepping into the room.

"We've got a problem," a brunette said.

"What?" Sin snapped.

The guard looked briefly at Maria, grimacing a little. "We need to move. The Witch has been spotted in Dublin."

Maria's chest swelled with hope. Scarlet Witch. If Wanda Maximoff was searching for Steve, she might be close enough to help. Maria wasn't sure how Wanda's powers had strengthened in the last few years, but it was possible she could find him if she just got close enough.

Which meant there was no way in hell Maria was letting them be moved.

Snarling, Sin stomped out of the room, leaving the guards and the doctor blinking after her.

"I suppose I shall continue on," the doctor said, picking up a syringe.

Yeah, no, that wasn't happening. Maria calculated the odds, decided that taking a stand now, with Sin gone, was her best shot.

Apparently, she wasn't the only one with that thought. As the doctor went to tie a band around Steve's arm as a tourniquet, Steve's hand shot out, and the needle was knocked to the floor.

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