Chapter 1: New Changes

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King Boo's POV:

It's been 3 years since Luigi died. Neither of me or Mario has been taking this easy. Mario has been sleeping with me, while I pet his hair while he rest. I was sitting on the couch, looking at photos of me and Luigi, that I've saved on my phone.

It still breaks my heart to know that he's gone. "King Boo, I'm going to visit Luigi's grave. Wanna come?" I sighed. "Alright."

~~At the graveyard~~

"Hey, Luigi. How have you been? I haven't been able to move on from that day. It's so hard to move on. I love you deeply, Green Love." I started to cry while I was "talking" to Luigi.

Mario patted my back. I let him to have a turn. "Hey, little brother. How are you? I've been missing you so much. We both have." He started crying, but continued to talk. "Things has been never the same without you. I-it won't be the same without you... I'm sorry this happened to you, Luigi. I'm so sorry."

The both of us were on our knees, crying. The chilling autumn breeze flew by us, with the dead leafs flying with the wind. I deeply wanted Luigi back. There's absolutely no one, mortal or not, could replace him. He was my and Mario's light in the darkness.

"W-well, I guess we better get going... It's getting late... I love you, little brother. We'll visit you again soon," Mario said as he was standing up. I stood up, and then said, "I love you so much, my little Luigi. I'll come back, I promise." We started to make our way home.

~~In the middle of the night, at home~~

I woke up from the same nightmare, about Luigi's death. It's been haunting me none stop. I turned to lay down on my left side, where I'd see Luigi sleeping. But he wasn't there.

As I thought my heart was already broken enough, I felt my heart breaking even more, making me to feel worse. I started to cry myself to sleep.

Mario's POV:

I've been getting barely to no sleep at all. Sure, I was tired a lot more than usual, but I can't sleep well knowing that my little brother was gone. I decided to try to sleep with King Boo again. I may not be able to get a full night's rest, but at least I'd get some rest.

I let myself in to his room. He was crying. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his back. He was shocked to feel me. "Oh Mario. It's you." "Yeah..." "I'm guessing you wanna sleep with me again...?" "Yeah..." "Alright." I got in bed, hugged him, and cried to sleep.

~~In Mario's dream~~

"Mario? Can you hear me?" I heard a familiar voice. "Luigi?! Is that you?!" I called out to the voice.

"I'm right here, Mario. I'm here, Bro." I felt him hugging me. I hugged him back. At least I think I was. "I've always been here, been trying to come back in some way." I listened to him. "I missed you so much, little brother." "I know, Mario. I missed you, too."

"King Boo also misses you," I told him. "I miss him, too." I started to actually to see him. But he was a bit different. "Luigi... You're.. you're a..." "A ghost? I know. I've finally figured it out." He told me. I looked at him in his eyes.

I was so happy to see Luigi again. And now he was gonna be with us in reality again. I knew it. I knew he was still here.

~~The next morning~~

I woke up to see King Boo was already up. He was staring out of the window, at the rain. I jumped out of bed, excited to tell him about the news.

"King Boo! I got news!" He looked at me. "What is it, Mario?" "It's Luigi! He's been here the whole time! He's a ghost now! I saw him! He's gonna be with us again!" He was shocked.

King Boo's POV:

Don't do that. Don't give me hope, I thought to myself. Hearing that he saw Luigi as ghost made me feel worse. But before I could say anything, I felt a familiar hug. Mario actually saw Luigi?!

"I love you too, King Boo," Luigi told me- wait. LUIGI?!!!!

I saw his ghost figure. I hugged him back tightly. "Luigi you're here! You're really here! I missed you so much," I started to cry. I heard him crying as well. "I missed you too, King Boo." Mario joined in the hug and cried with us.

~~3 hours later~~

We finally broke the hug and stopped crying. We were so happy that Luigi's back. It's a change that we had to get used to. But it didn't matter, because Luigi was with us again.

"So, you're a ghost now, like me," I told Luigi, breaking the silence. "Yup. And now you don't have to worry about me dieing or getting hurt," he joked.

We all laughed for a bit. Then I told Luigi, "Well, actually, we don't have to worry about you so much." I got the feeling that Luigi was remembering the times where he sucked the ghosts and the Boos into that Poltergeist of hell. "Oh... Right..." He finally spoken, but with a sad tone.

I hugged him, and petted his hair. Still soft, I thought. He hugged me back and started to cry on my shoulder, feeling guilty about what he had to do.

"It's okay, Luigi. It's okay. It's not your fault. I putted you in that situation," I told him.

Luigi's POV:

"King Boo? Are we gonna be okay?" I asked him, after I cried for 2 hours. "Yes, we're gonna be okay, Green Love," he responded as he kissed me on my cheek. It felt so nice to know he was here for me. I wanted it to stay like this. I wanted nothing bad to happen ever again.

~~Around 1pm~~

I decided to take a little nap, since I barely got any sleep. Surprisedly, ghosts like me can still get tired. King Boo was sitting on the couch, reading a novel. I laid down on his lap to sleep. He noticed me and pulled me into a hug. "Go ahead and rest, Love. I'll be here," I heard him telling me as I dozed off to sleep. I found myself sleeping on him, with him petting my hair gently, while hugging me.

~~Luigi's Nightmare~~

Everything was black. I couldn't see not hear anything or anyone. Not even King Boo or Mario. It was scary.

But not as scary as what came up next. I soon started to see a blue shadow galaxy-like figure with some other figure that I couldn't make out what or who it was.

They've seen to trap Mario and King Boo in some sort of tube. Neither of them were able to escape. And I never saw myself anywhere in the room.

"Flip the switch," I heard a chipmunk voice from the blue galaxy shadow guy. He looked awful like Mario, but smaller.

The mysterious figure did as told and-

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