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Anthony POV

"Aye, here I'm open" I shouted to Josh to pass the ball so I could shoot the winning shot before the game was over. Josh looked at me and carried on with the ball , and got tackled.

We lost the game.

This was the last game of the season, it was my chance to show the scouts that coach had brought I'm worthy to be in their academies and he blew it for me, over what, this dumb vendetta his family has got against mine.

I walked off the field pissed, I could feel my whole body getting hot, I punched the wall to let out some of this anger but it wasn't helping shit. I got to the changing room first and sat down. I put my head in my hands, my leg shaking.

"Bro its not that deep" I didn't even look to see who said that as I heard the team walk in. "My guys having a panic attack over one loss" all the boys laughed. I really didn't give a fuck what anyone had to say right now.
I decided to just get changed to get out of there. "You gonna go cry to your mum now or what?" I turned my head to see that it was Noah laughing looking at me "oh wait you ain't got one" he laughed louder by himself, no one was laughing with him, it was completely silent apart from his laughter which slowly died down as he saw nobody was laughing with him. At this point I had turnt around fully, "what the fuck did you just say?" I said through gritted teeth "you know what I said" Noah said, I slowly walked towards him "say it again with your chest if your bad" he stood significantly shorter than me but he didn't back down. " I said you ain't got a mum, what?" I bought my fist back and connected it with his jaw hearing a crack, causing him to tumble over his own feet. I continued throwing blows to his face "don't ever mention my mum again you fucking short bitch prick" I saw red literally, his face was pouring with blood, that didn't stop me. I then felt someone push me off him and kick me in my stomach continuously, I then felt a kick on my legs and my chest and someone was stomping on me I was overpowered, I realized I was getting jumped by the team which was expected.
"What is going on in here" coach bellowed when he walked in. I could barely breathe , the kicking had stopped and there was silence, the only thing heard was my struggle to breathe. Coach looked around the room seeing me on the floor as well as Noah.
"Everyone out, NOW" the team rushed to get out getting all their stuff. Coach went to Noah first seeing the blood coming from his face. My breathing began to steady pace and I slowly got up , ignoring the pain from my chest and just left.
Fuck this school bruv "move man" I said not caring who was listening. I walked out of the gate planning never to return again. I was fed up of this shit, this wasn't the first time I got jumped at this dumb school, teachers only cared for the rich kids, which I once was until everything went downhill.
I walked towards my house walking slow to avoid the pain.
"Yo, bruddah you good yh" I looked to see some guy walking towards me "does it look like I'm good" I continued limping on towards my yard "true no need for the attitude though, what's your name bro?" I looked at him, "I ain't gay so fuck of" he laughed "bruv I ain't coming on a homo ting, mans tryna put you on, so what's your name?"
"Put me on what?"
"The good life bro"
"Which is?" I asked confused
"Anything you make it to be bruv yo u could get drip, hoes anytime anywhere, respect on da streets ,easy money and brothers that will ride out for you everytime" I stopped walking.
"Okay but why you approaching me?"
" look I ain't gonna lie, you dress like trash first of all, I've seen you about init and also I can tell you just got jumped by the bruises and the way your walking, not one guy can do that kind of damage we can help you with shit like that". I thought about it, I needed the money mostly for the family as I was the main provider since my mother died.
"Say nothing what do I have to do?"
"Nothing blud just take these" he gave me a small Nokia phone and an iphone 11 pro
"Are you being serious?"
"Yh yungin the trapphone is for drops take my number and put it on both if I call you on that you better answer cause that means its important. The iPhone you can do as you please with that."
"Say mums, is that it, your lying" I couldn't believe it.
"Mums why would I lie, one rule though, if your rolling with us you can't just decide one day you don't wanna be apart of it, it's a forever ting. Till death do us part" I barely paid attention to what he was saying, I just admired the sleek black iphone he just handed me. I snapped out of it.
"Ight anyway I go by Anthony"
"Sn your tags Antz with a z yh"
"Lol cool what should I save your name under"
"Romario yungin" he said as he began to walk of "but I go by Raks."

Hope you like it!! If theres some words you dont understand let me know and I will help you, and please understand some of the things in this book may offend some but it's not on purpose I'm trying to show what goes on in London why people get involved in situations they shouldn't be in and how it's not easy, with a little bit of romance. ENJOY

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