This was me(Quidad) and Hydro's convo in German cuz why not?? 😂😂
Me:Hey, wie geht's dir?Das ist auf Deutsch, weil ich kann und gelangweilt bin.
Hydro:Onthou jy toe jy jou piel in die rotisserie-hoender gesit het en ek het dit geëet en vir my kinders gevoer? ja goed, dan slaan ek jou pp, alles is goed!
Heh, I said eat the chicken that I put my dick in. And she was ranting about how she ate it and gave it to her children😂 we need help I know
Weird random stories
Randomjust weird stories i come up with, have experienced, of heard of. ~Milk And Quidad is in this cuz I live a crazy life😂 ~ Quidad