Chapter 8 (Non Edit)

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Edelweiss' father, Albrecht, wasn't worried about the situation. He was a man of the law and knew that nothing could be done on such base rumors in a gossip rag. He would be having fun chewing up and spitting out there finances for slander and invasion of private records.

Since he wasn't worried he had no problem allowing Edelweiss to ride the train with an excited young Malfoy. That of course came after his wife was done clinging to her like a mother bear ready to attack anyone else that wanted to inch over to them.

The trainride to Hogwarts was pretty uneventful for Edelweiss, unless you count the youngest Weasley male, Ronald was his name?, accusing her parents of kidnapping and getting hit for it. Or the dirty blonde Longbottom Heir asking for help finding his toad, and her solution was to enchant his pockets to make it hard for Trevor the Toad to escape.

The only other event was when she ran into a bushy haired muggle born named Hermione who was babbling about books the entire time, Draco looked like he was about to throw up before I pulled out the starter books for pureblood etiquette, Hermione hadn't even known about these books and it was brought to Draco's immediate attention how there were no classes or books scheduled for muggleborns to learn there new culture. Draco did what his father did when the education system failed and blamed Dumbledore, which set off more debates with Hermione who apparently had not only a love for books but an insane amount of respect for figures of authority, even if she had never met them.

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