Part 1: Lips May Be Sealed...

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Vera Reinhart,

You've had a busy week. So have I. Of course, yours involved a lot more killing...

Wish my life was so exciting.

P.S. Next time you commit murder, don't be so obvious. 

-Secret Keeper

Vera Reinhart's life was turned upside down within a matter of ten minutes

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Vera Reinhart's life was turned upside down within a matter of ten minutes. It started when she heard footsteps coming up behind her as she walked home from school Thursday evening.

"Hey, V," the boy greeted as he caught up to her.


Jason Hargrove fell into step next to her and she immediately wanted to knock him upside the head. The only reason she was walking home from school was because she wanted peace and quite. The path through the woods on her way home was perfect for deep thinking. And of course, Jason ruined it.

It's not like she hated Jason. He was, after all, one of her closest friends for as long as she could remember. Plus, it was kind of hard to hate Jason with his peppy smile and optimistic character. He was the kind of person America fawned over, not for looks or power (although he had both), but simply because of his good nature. Someone like him was hard to find, but once found, no one ever let go. Afterall, how are you supposed to hate someone who always smiles?

"Whatcha doing?" he sing-songed.


"Really?!" he dramatically placed a hand over his chest. "Shocking. I thought you were riding a unicorn."

"Why are you always talking about unicorns?"

He shrugged, "They're cute, magical, and destructive."

"Only you would think unicorns are destructive."

"They are!" he argued. "They have magical powers beyond our imagination! There has to be a reason that Scotland chose them as their national animal. Seriously, unicorns could turn us all into shrubs if they wanted to," he shuddered and added, "I would rather not be a shrub. Plus, you could weaponize them by placing knives and maces around their horns like in this one book I read..."

"Seriously? Since when did Jason Kleizmick read fiction?"

His forest green eyes became darker as he spoke, "It's Hargrove. Jason Hargrove."


"And," his voice became light again, "I have many interesting hobbies that you guys don't know about."

A long silence fell between them as they approached a bridge in their path. Finally, Vera asked the question that had been on her mind the past two months.

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