The Introduction

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The boy prepped for the crash, however, instead of feeling the sharp pang of his body hitting the concrete, he felt a small bounce on a mattress. He almost immediately opened his eyes in a confused stare around the room… the room. He was in a room. What the heck? He pinched himself to see if it was real, but he squirmed in pain as he hit one of his more recent cuts. He closed his eyes again and started cataloging, gathering any information he could to calm himself down. He felt the bed underneath him, made with a soft, bumpy blanket and tall fluffy pillows. He was wearing his same clothes so he wasn't in anyone else's body, but why would someone do all this for him? He opened his bright green eyes, eyes that, if looked into for long enough, one would see enough sorrow to last a thousand lifetimes, and looked at his surroundings. The walls were barren and the light wasn’t on. He relaxed into his thoughts, asking a million questions of why me? Do they not want me gone? Is there even a they? Where am I? Why would anyone want to save a 
Waste of space like him?

    He suddenly heard a knock and jumped, cursing himself for it, but, when he looked to where it had come from he only saw more wall. As he looked around even more he saw there was no door at all. The longer he was in here the more confused he got. Then, instead of a secret door in the wall or anything, a glowing purple blob in the middle of the room, as it stood there for a moment the child's curiosity got the better of him, he leaned forward, his face slightly tilted in a concentrated expression. Just as he brought up his hand to feel the translucent material, a man walked out. The green-haired boy flinched like he expecting all hell to break loose, a few tears crossing his cheeks. The mysterious man’s eyes widened at the reaction, he knew what the reaction meant. He rushed over to the now crying child, holding him close as his associates walked into the room. He glared daggers at them when their mouths moved to question the sight. After some comforting the child quieted down, tears still streaming down his cheeks, but, at least, he was no longer bawling. The comforting man continued to console Midoriya, not only because Shigiraki was getting restless at the young one’s tears, but also because he was around the same age as his own brother, and he couldn't help but feel love for him. As the child's tears stopped, he pushed the child so that his eyes were met “are you alright for now Izuku?” the child’s eyes widened at the name, The scared man began to be worried he had gone too far, revealing that he knew the kid’s name and even calling him by his first. But the child’s reaction was not what he had expected, he went and hugged him, the tears starting again, only briefly, as the child muttered countless thank you’s to the man with the purple scars. Dabi was taken aback by the sudden show of affection at his words, however his brotherly side took over and he swallowed the boy in a hug. A clearing throat made them both remember they were not alone in the room. 
    A man with light blue hair and very chapped lips stood with a tall man whose head was made up of that same purple gas, Izuku decided that he was the one who had made the hole in space. Izuku immediately tensed up at the men, not knowing their identities nor their intentions. He felt the touch of the scarred man and flinched again, he was trying to control it, if they were anything like Kachan or Dad then he didn’t want to flinch, but he couldn’t hold it back entirely.

    He slowly moved away from the once comforting man, realising that he was probably just attempting to gain his trust, only to later betray him, just like everyone else.

    The child looked down and shut his mouth, ridding his face of all emotion in the way he had practiced for a great amount of time. The man with chapped lips was the one to again break the silence, speaking in a quiet, breathy tone,” We know what you have been through, all the torment, all the pain, and we would like to help…”

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