The Conversation

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"We know what you have been through, all the torment, all the pain, and we would like to help"

Help? How could they help? Why would they help? Izuku's mind ran wild with confused questions, all the while keeping up his stoic facade. The confused teen recounted how he got here, hoping something would make sense. One second he was asking Allmight if he could be a hero, next he was sitting on a bed with a bunch of strangers staring at him.

The one with the purple fog as a head gave an exasperated sigh and stuck his head through the portal, evidently saying something on the other side. As he pulled his head out of the mist a young girl trotted through wearing an incorrectly sized schoolgirl uniform and messy buns. She giggled when she saw him and he pulled back from her overly excited form.

"I was told I wasn't allowed to talk to you yet!"

The boy looked at her, even more confused than he was when there were only the 3 people in the room.

"Your probably wondering who we are," the blue haired man stated, a smirk on his face, "let us introduce ourselves, I am Shigiraki, this is Kirogiri, Toga, and Dabi respectively" shigiraki paused to process the kids reaction, but, seeing as here was no change in the flat expression, he continued,"and we are what you would call villans."

Izuku starred at the crew, not knowing quite how to react to the new information. His thoughts spiraling with newer, more confusing questions.


They were villans.

He was in a room alone with villans.

All he tried to do was commit suicide, and he even screwed that up.

He was useless


Katsuki Bakugo started at the television screen, sitting completely still, mouth agape, his mind a baren desert save for one thought

He's dead

On the screen was a reporter standing just outside an alleyway with police tape blocking it from view. Just behind the somber woman was a singular red shoe, the kind that was Midoriya's signature.

The headline's words echoing in the blond teens mind "quirkless teen committed suicide"

His mother was on the phone with Inko, Izukus mother, crying with her. Katsuki clenched his fists and slowly stood up, catching his mother's attention, he walked up his staircase, not even bothering a look at the woman.

Once he reached his bedroom he let out a pained scream, clutching at his head as he traveled down the wall.

Unbeknownst to him his mother had followed, she traveled over to her son and held him. He grabbed onto her as tears slowly formed in his angry red eyes. He knew that this was his fault, Izuku had simply followed his advice.

This was his fault


"What we want is simple, we want change. We want to abolish this world of all the so called heroes. We understand you. Were the same. I will pose you a simple question, will you help us?"

Izuku was caught off gaurd by this, his shock almost evident on his face.


Ever since izuku was a child he wanted to be a hero. To fight villans and bring good to the world. But that was no longer possible, he knew that. He knew there was no way he could be a hero. All might told him so. His idol had verified that fact.

Shigiraki, sensing the thoughts of the child, continued with his speach,"doesnt it make you angry, doesnt you blood curdle thinking about all might. He was your last resort, the final embers of your hope, and he just smothered your dreams. Bakugo Katsuki, he tormented you on things you cant control. Your own father didnt even want you. Your father. The person who's job it is to help you and support you. To love you. We all understand. We know what it's like to have our heroes give up on us, to have our parents hate us, to have our friends betray us. We understand, and we want to help"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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