"Give It Back!"

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America looked around him, he had gotten his schedule and finished first period. He knew he would just have to introduce himself to even more people. He jumped as he heard another bell ring, though he didn't feel like going to class. America spotted a bathroom and quickly ran to it. It was his only hope to skip class. He ran into a stall, locking the door and sitting down on the ground. The door to the bathroom swung open and he stood up. He assumed it was a teacher before he heard several voices.
"You're lucky I'm even letting you tag along!"
"Yeah! You're lucky!"
"Shut up pip-squeak."
America jumped as he heard pounding on the stall door.
"Oi! That's our stall!"
The striped country hesitantly unlocked the stall, opening it and scooting past the countries. Two were taller than him and one was shorter. America couldn't help but feel he had seen them before, though he guessed they were just in his classes. He felt something tugging at his hoodie. He squeaked as he felt himself but the ground, one of them had pinned him to the ground. "H-hey!" He stuttered. "Leave me alone!"
"Why would we do that?"
"You heard him, leave the guy alone. He's new to this place. You should let him pass on his first time China."
He heard the country that was pinning him down scoff. He immediately assumed that one was China. He felt the weight get lifted off his back. China's footsteps rang through the bathroom as he stalked out of the bathroom, followed by the shorter one. America pushed himself off the floor slightly before he was offered a hand. He gladly accepted the help and was quiet surprised by how fast he was pulled up.
"Sorry about that. China can be an ass sometimes" The unknown country apologized. "The other one was North Korea, you'll get along better with his brother. You should just call him North though." America nodded, looking up at the taller who had helped him. His face had several scratches on it. "Who are you?" The taller seemed to avoid the question. "China has a shit ton of people in his group. There's Taiwan , Hong Kong, Vietnam. That's just a few."

A Cry For Help {Countryhumans} [RusAme]Where stories live. Discover now