🌱•|| Wandering around

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E's P.O.V

It was warm inside the Inkwell's house, December, snow everywhere, and of course: it was freezing out there. No one could go out without wearing various clothes for winter, or well, you'll freeze.
Sitting in front of the fireplace, with the flames burning the wood, producing heat, warming myself. Everyone knew how it was to feel the warmth of a fireplace or a warm place when it was cold outside. But I was wondering. . .
Where was Athenias?

She hasn't came for a long time. All of the family came, but four members of each family were out, in the winter. As one of the oldest sister with my sister Athe, I was worried. Normal feeling when it was about someone that you care and is your blood, and he or she hasn't come yet.
Was she alright? Is she in the cold? Dis something happened to her?

I was stressing out when, Zain, my albino brother of the age of 18, sat next to me.

About him...I always thought that he had something special, something like...feelings. Like he could sent the feelings of others...

Z: "Hey, ¿how are you?"

"Good...no, no I'm not it's Athe, she hasn't come yet and it is almost time for the meeting, I'mgettinganxietymaybesomethinghappenedtohermaybeshe'sfreezingtodeatha a a a a a a"

I felt his hand on my shoulder, and that's when I turned and met his grey eyes. . .
I remembered when we were 5, it was just Athe, me, Zain and Georgia. Medics thought he was blind because of his deep grey eyes. But it was just his color.
In his eyes there was something unerving but peaceful at the same time, I couldn't point the finger on that feeling.

Z: "She's alright. She's determined, and well, old enough to do some stupidities. But she wouldn't die, because of us, because of you."

He got up, and smiled. His warm smile heated up my heart, oh my. . .what did I do to deserve a brother like this? He's so pure! Too good for this world...

M: "What are you two doing?"

Z: "Mom!"

Our mother, our sweet but strong mother. She was from Vietnam, she met our father when he came to do a visit to a General from there. And that's when he met my mother.
Back at the time, she was training with her platoon when the General was showing our father his great warriors. Well, conclusion, "love at first".

She made me stand up and hugged both of us. We were happy, I giggled a bit. Mom was the best.
But, something made us stumble from behind, and fall to the floor. With struggle, I looked who was: it was the younger of us, Georgia.

G: "Group hug without me? You surely are heartless"

Zain laughed a bit and I smiled.

"No sis! They were just comforting me since...Athe hasn't come yet."

G: "Athe? But she always do that. Always comes late to any meeting."

I moved forward to get out from everyone since I was undrrneath them.

Z: "Geo, when are you telling us the one you will kiss underneath the mistletoe, Christmas is getting closer~"

Zain teased Georgia, and her, who has helping him to get up, let him fall instead.

G: "And when are you getting a new girlfriend?"

Geo said with a smirk and Zain just huffed. Our mother, that got up first and was stitting on the couch, snapped her fingers and the discussion between Geo and Z stopped. And I was sitting on the floor. . .watching.

M: "One day...you'll get your loved ones, your little lovebirds, meanwhile, we shouldn't use that topic to hurt or tease others. Ok, little demons?"

That word...demons. . .
My breath suddenly became difficult, exhaling remain ok with some pauses, but inhaling, I couldn't and the words...I-I cannot-

Z: "Emy? Emy?!"

"B-Broken. . .s-she-"

I couldn't talk, the traumas I recieved from the past 3 years...in my subconciousness...alone, cold, and my body used by T.B.O, it wasn't nice...
I-I just can't find the words, she...I...done so much harm, she...used me...I let her...

"Why did I make that deal...?"

The door opened, and I heard a familiar voice...

A: "We're home!. . .Aren't you happy to see...me..."

Athe stormed off to where Zain was holding me. I was suffering a trance.

A: "What happened?! Zain! Talk to me!"

In her tone was desesperation, taking out her jacket and looking at my eyes, like if she was trying to detect something.

Z: "I don't know! We were just fine a moment ago! Mom talking to us that me and Geo shouldn't be teasing eachother with the topic of boyfriends and-"

M: "Demons. . .her trauma. It's my fault..."

She stood up and went to where I was, panting and just staring at nothing.


Mai's P.O.V

Oh my sweet baby...one of the first to be born, one of the first I loved, one of the first we abandoned...
And here I am now, such a simple word can cause such impact to a person, without us acknowledging it...
My mistake, her experience, our pain. . .

A: "No mom! It's not your fault, it's just-"

"Athenias. . .look me in the eye and tell me that because of the word demon I didn't do harm to my own daughter."

Her vermillion eyes looked apart from mine. . .She knew, of course, sge wouldn't lie to me...To her own mother...

W: "What happened?!"

"Honey. . .it happened...again"

William, my dear husband, ran and kneeled next to me. With his green eyes filled with worry and desesperation for his daughter. And mine...blue filled with dissapointment...dissapointed of myself.

W: "How?! It was Broken again, no? I swear I'll..."

"No William. It was me. I mentioned the word "demom" even tho we agreed to not mention synonims because of her traumas..."

W: "Hon. . ."

"NO William. . .I can fix it."

I took Emy by the shoulders and looked at her eyes. I could almost feel the tears threating to go out, but I gotta be strong, for her. . .

Emy, can you hear me. . ?

Please return. . .

It's not your fault! We are here for you. . .

You did nothing wrong...you heard me?

None of this it's your fault. . .

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