𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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The heat from the sun beats down on my skin as I walk through the street to my little house. I pull my long brown hair into a ponytail and say quick hellos to some of the cart owners. I've lived here for years, and some of these people I've grown to, if nothing else, respect in a way.

My gray eyes widen slightly when I see the familiar armor of my only friend, the Mandalorian. "Mando!" I yell, jogging slightly to catch up with him. "You get all of them?" I ask, referring to the people he was sent out to catch. "Yes." He answers. "You have any new missions?" "Yes." He sighs and comes to a stop. "You can come if you want," he says, turning to me. "I didn't say anything." I tell him. "I can see that you want to come. Let's go." He says, walking off again.

"Alrighty," I say with a smile on my face walking faster to catch up to him.

We walk into his shop, Razorcrest, and to the front. Mando sits in the seat to control everything and I sit next to him. "Where're we going?" I ask him as he takes off. "Arvala-7," he flips some switches, then continues, "how've you been, Lily?" He asks, not taking his eyes off the sky.

"Good, I guess. What about you. Any fun adventures from your last trip you want to share?" I ask, leaning back. "No. Nothing to interesting." He replies. I shake my head at him. "Something cool always happens on your adventure. There's gotta be something." I say with a smile on my face. "The most exciting thing that happened was a creature try to kill me and the humanoid I had to get."

"Oh, what a boring trip that must have been," I say sarcastically with an eye roll. "It was." Mando says. I laugh and rest my head on the seat. "Get some sleep." Mando instructs me and I roll my eyes again, but there's no point in arguing with him. "Alright, wake me up when we get there." I say, closing my eyes and darkness consumes me.


"Lily," somebody says, gently shaking my shoulder awake. "Hmm?" "Where here, come on." Mando says, moving his gloved hand from my shoulder. Stifling a yawn, I stand up and stretch my arms above my head. I must've actually fell asleep on the way.

"Here," Mando says, handing two blasters and two holsters to hold them. I raise an eyebrow. "You just carry these with you wherever you go?" I ask him. I can't see his face, but I can tell he rolled his eyes. "Come on." I smile at him and place the holsters on me and put one of the blasters in and hold the other one in my hand. Mando open the ramp and we walk out, him slightly in front of me.

He takes out the tracking thing and holds it in front of us. He puts it away after a second and pulls out his rifle. "Blurrgs." He says finally, and I nod my head, pulling out my other blaster.

He looks around and I scream, "Look out!" As a Blurrg charges against him. He tries to shoot flames at it, but it grabs him arm in its mouth and shoved him in the ground, hard. I shoot at it, but my shot gets messed up because another one of them comes at me, sending my blasters flying. I punch it in the face as hard as I can, as you can guess, it doesn't work.

Out of no where, a dart goes into its side, and electrocutes it or something. Another on goes into the one that Mandos fighting, and I look up to see if I'm going to have to fight again. Another blurrg comes at us, but a dart goes into that one to.

I study the stranger in front of me. He seems old, he's not going to kill us, probably, he's riding a Blurrg and he's definitely an Ugnaught. I shot him a glance and walk over to Mando who's struggling to escape the jaws of the creature. Helping him pull out his arm, I walk over to my blasters quickly and put them in my holsters.

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