•°•°3.3°•°•When the others return later that morning, San has been freshly fed the remaining fruit from the fridge and is resting at Jacque's feet in the waiting room as they both doze. Jacque put one of the no-collar required leashes around her neck to keep her close because she wouldn't go back in a carrier. Not that she's tried to leave Jacque's side much in the past twelve hours. Jacque thinks they've become great friends.
"San!" Minato shrills the moment he's stepped through the door, and San pulls so hard on the leash Jacque thinks she might choke herself. Minato hurries over to pull the fox into a teary hug and Jacque shuffles away to give them a moment.
"How much do we owe you?" Ichigo asks when Jacque comes around the counter to help with the paperwork. Marie's briefing with Dr. Haruno and a couple other vet assistants in the office for their list of duties today. Jacque 's shift ended two hours ago, but she wanted to see this thing through.
And maybe she wanted to see Ichigo and the others again, which is a terrible habit to develop.
"Dr. Haruno says it's on the house," Jacque answers as she tucks her hair behind her ears. Ichigo's in a floor-length peacoat in blush pink and it's dashing on him. Plus, the smile Ichigo is giving her could wreck any human being. "We thought she was a stray and weren't going to charge anyway. Plus, she seems excellent this morning. You were right about that cast." Minato's cooing and rolling on the floor with San on top of him, not a sign of injury on her body. Dr. Haruno even had to take the stitches out because the wound had healed overnight.
Ichigo smile tips into a frown. "But she had medicine. And an x-ray."
"It's fine," Jacque waves off, handing over a few slips of paper that say what drugs San was administered. "Just don't break in again, how 'bout that?"
Ichigo's ears go red almost instantly. "One-time thing. Promise."
"I think I distinctly remember hearing James say that she does this once a month."
Jacque sees the surprise cross Ichigo's face, like he hadn't expected Jacque's banter. But talking to Ichigo is warm and easy, makes something in Jacque's stomach flutter. "She likes to sneak out," Ichigo tells her, and his eyes do that melting thing that makes Jacque feel very young and very safe. "This is the first time she's gotten hurt, though. We'll have be stricter moving forward."
"Well," Jacque's voice squeaks and she clears it, flushing when Ichigo smirks at her. "I'm glad she's okay. Bring her back if you see her limping or if a wound opens up again, okay?"
"Will do."
And then this miraculous, ridiculous thing happens. Ichigo Takizaki studies her face gently, then takes Jacque's hand, lifts it to his mouth, and presses the chastest of kisses against Jacque's knuckles. Before Jacque has a chance to recover, Minato is bounding up to lean over the counter, and he pecks the top of Jacque's head.
"We owe you one," Minato drawls, his smile genuine as he pulls back to go and gather San.
They leave without another word after that, and Jacque remains at the front desk for a long time, just kind of swaying there, enchanted, hands folded and held to her chest where her heart is making it very known that it exists inside of her.
"Jacque," Dr. Haruno calls out sometime later, after the meeting has finished. Jacque hums, still staring at the doorway. "Did the fox's owners come by?" Jacque nods. "Strange, I didn't hear anyone come in. Anyway, I thought I told you not to charge them?"
Jacque pushes away the thoughts of two gorgeous men kissing her and turns to Dr. Haruno who is holding a tablet with an expression of bewilderment. "I didn't," Jacque frowns.
There's No Treat Only Trick!
HumorJacque River reaches the conclusion that she just walked into a stranger's very expensive home, uninvited, and started eating their food and petting their well-dressed dog. Does showing up in the wrong Halloween party and meeting the most powerful f...