- changbin

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School has ended and you met Changbin, to meet at the library. Changbin is your best friend for nearly 3 years now. You two would protect each other from anything and talk about things that worries you, also you guys have many inside jokes. You never had feelings for him til the day you met your best friend in the library.

"Binnie! Where are you?" You whispered-shouted at him, he yells quietly 'here' and you followed where the voice was. He was near the bean bags with his laptop and books, you two always studied in the library together. It's either for tests, upcoming assignments or some revisions. "Hey! How are you?" He asked with a cute smile. You gave him a thumbs up, "It's great, I got a 90% on my test."

He widen his eyes and wrapped his arms around you legs, since you were still standing in front of him. "That's good! You did well then! You were crying while we facetiming and telling me how much you'll fail on the test." You scoffed and sat next to him, "Yahh.. I was just worried." He ruffles your hair and hands you a work sheet that he was working on. "Oh, what's this?" You pointed, "I need help with question 5 and 7, it's so hard and annoying." You smiled, "I'll help you."

— 5PM —

"Isn't the library going to close in a few minutes?" He stated, you looked around and barely anyone is in the library at this hour. You nodded, you both grabbed your bags and headed out to the exit. You two mange to finish off your studies, "Oh shit." You presses your lips together, making Changbin fluster. "What's wrong?" He wraps his arms around your shoulders, "My parents won't be home by tomorrow and my keys is broken since my little brother threw it hard on the floor.." "that's one strong baby brother if you asked me." He was shocked and I was too, when that happened.

Changbin suddenly smiled softly, "Sooo, my place? We can watch a movie and spill some tea~!" "That's what Hyunjin would do since hes a drama queen." You giggled.

You out of nowhere wrapped your arms around your best friend's arms, he blushed slightly but didn't reacted. The moon was raising up slowly and the clouds were almost faded into the sky, you admire the scenery of the night while your best friend was admiring you secretly. Finally reaching to Changbin's house, he opens the door and let you in.

"I miss your house." You told him, he smiled. "I'm glad you did, y/n~!" You went up to his room and plopped your bag on his bed, he comes along and does the same. "Let's get you something to wear," he gets up and headed towards his closet. You were on your phone and you decided to take pictures of your best friend. Since he looked like a boyfriend martial.

You accidentally put on flash when you took a picture, "oh fuckk-" He saw the flash and looked at you, "Were you taking photos of me??" You shook your head, lying to him. "N-no! Why would I-" He came towards you and leans down, "Are you lying?" Your cheeks heated up, "Yah! Binnie~!" He helds your shoulders, leaning even more. You were backing away, "Are you sureeee?" He started to tickle you, "HAHAHAH! Binnie YOU BITC-WKNDSKD!!"

"Y/n is ticklish~!!" He laughs and tickled you till you were out of breathe. "Stopstopstop KAJDJS! I can't breathe!!!" He stopped but he didn't noticed how close he was from kissing you. Your eyes stopped at his eyes and you swore there was stars shining. He glanced up and his eyes stopped as well. "I-" your heart was beating like crazy his heart was as well, you gulped and try to think of an excuse. "Oh! My clothes??" You pointed at the bed where it was lying.

Changbin shook his head from day dreaming and smiled weakly, "Y-yeah, it's there. Go change in the bathroom.. hahaah..." You quickly got off the bed and Changbin was left there dumbfounded.

After changing, you wore into this. That your best friend gave you to wear for the night.

(If you don't like what I've chose for you, just imagine something else

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(If you don't like what I've chose for you, just imagine something else.)

You walked out and you saw Changbin on the couch, picking movies to watch. You went beside him and sat a few centimetre away from him, due to the awkwardness between you two. While he was fidgeting with the remote control, you decided to help him choose. "Binnie, let's watch something that I have in mind!" He looks at you and smiled shyly, "S-sure." He lends the remote control to you and you sat more closer to him.

"Lets watch The Ring!!"




"Have you even watched it?"

"Minho hyung suggested but end up watching it with Han."

"Aishhh! Please! At least I'm here, I'll protect youuuuu~"

He sighs and gave up, you then press play and brought popcorns to the couch since your best friend prepared it before hand.

When there was a part where you two got scared, you wrapped your arms around Changbin's arm and hid your face behind him.



Few hours went by, the movie was over and you two weren't ready to go upstairs since the movie gave you so much scary scenarios. "Y/n~ should we brush our teeth?"

You nodded and ran up stairs, "YAH! Don't leave meeeeee!" You giggled at his cuteness.

Changbin threw himself on the bed, while you were on your phone. "Changbin." He hums, "Look at this." You smiled sneakily, you have the chance to take a photo with him. He hates being taken photo by someone, he's just shy. "Yeah-" Snap. You used a cute filter on the both of you and you pulled the phone away from him, just in case he doesn't get it off you.

"Y/nn~~~! Nooooo!" He whines, "Nawww look at this cutie, isn't he adorable~?"


"I'll keep that in my photos and favourite it."

"Delete it nowww!"

You showed the selfie with him and he pouted, "I look ugly." You gasped dramatically and sat closer to him, "Binnie, dont say that! You are so handsome and my little pizza boi!" You chubbed his cheeks.

He suddenly held your hands, you stopped and looked at him flusterred. "B-Binnie?"

"I like you."

Everything stopped, your heart was beating like crazy as he smiled sweetly. He was nervous at first but he decided to confess his feelings to you, he just couldn't handle how much he adores you. "Kang Y/N.. I really like you. Wait- I love you, like a lot. You're so adorable and sweet. Very kind too.. so can I ask something?"

You waited for him to say the sentence, "Will you be my-" You slowly leaned towards his lips and connect to it. Your lips were so soft on his, he kissed back with a passionate signal. You both were in sync and he held your cheeks as you held his neck. You both let go and stared at each other before smiling shyly to each other, "I like you too, actually.. for a week now.."

The atmosphere was calming and relaxing, you kissed Changbin on the cheeks and forehead. "Let's sleep now.." he nodded and pecked your lips.

"I love you.."

"I love you too, my Binnie."

Changbin loves you UWU

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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