- minho pt 2

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You noticed someone was behind you, you didn't bother to look back. "Stay away from me." You stated and stood up.

"Y/n...?" Everything stopped, it was Eunwoo. You spun around and wrapped your arms around his body. But he stopped you, you slowly let go and confusion hit you. "Baby? Why are you like this??"

Eunwoo smirked and leans down, "You really think I'm here to say I miss you?" Your heart shattered to pieces. "E-Eunwoo...? What's wrong? I'm your girlfriend." Your vision was blurry from your tears. "Y/n.. I'm here to say I need you to stop loving me. I don't like you anymore. You're too much."

Your boyfriend is dumping you on a shitty day, how great is that? "Eunwoo... how could you!? You FUCKIN ASKED ME OUT LAST THREE YEARS..and you're doing this? Why?! HUH?" Eunwoo didnt say anything at this point. He just walks off. You broke down and sobbed hardly.

His laugh and smile was everything you asked for, he was the sweetest and the most caring boyfriend ever. But now.. he's your ex. You were about to stand up, but you felt arms around you waist. You stopped and you sense it was that asshole.

"Minho, fuck off."

"I'm here for you.."

"I don't need you!"

"I'll protect you.."


He didn't let you go, you were struggling in his hold but you gave up. You fainted due to the tiredness.

— 4PM —

Your eyes flattered open and you weren't in your room. You looked around, panicking but you saw Minho lying down next to you, sleeping. You felt bad for him, even tho he insulted you and Eunwoo but you didn't care at this point since he broke up with you.

His hair was so soft and pure brown, his facial features was amazing and perfect. You caught yourself staring at him so you looked away, blushing.

Y/n... are you serious?! You can't just instantly fall for this douche bag.

You sighed and got out of bed slowly. You can't lie, his room was really nice and neat. Slowly turning the handle, you went out to make something to eat since you're starving. You pulled out a pot and ingredients from the fridge.

Some time of cooking, you turned around and saw Minho. "Oh.. you're awake.." you awkwardly mentioned. He nodded and smiled. "How are you?" You shrugged and sat down with the food set on the table. He glances around the table, admiring the delicious food. "Ooo.. This is my favourite ya know?" He sat across from you and started to eat. You stared at him, secretly admiring him.

He's so handsome... Oh fuck. Not again.

"Y/n? Are you staring at me??" He smirks, you noticed and shook your head embarrassed. "Oh nono. You are so ugly." You shoved a meat into your mouth, with chopsticks. When you just lied to him.

The room was quiet till Minho started to talk. "Oh um.. Y/n?" You didn't look at him but hummed in response. He clears his throat before speaking. "Look, I'm so sorry for saying those type of sentences to you. I was so angry over something and just said that out loud. It's just..." he sighs. "The words that you said made me feel upset.." You stayed quiet. Adjusting his words. Letting it sink in.

"I'm also so sorry for these past years of being a huge dick to you. I wish we rewinded back to where we met and just stayed like that. And shouldve not approached you an-"

"Lee Know.."

He stopped ranting and his cheeks heated up. He missed you calling him that when you two met. "It's fine.. I'm too. I was too harsh on you and I forgive y-you.." You finally looked at him, he just stared at you in slight shook. "But.. I've hurt you so much. Are you sure about forgiving me??" He said sincerely and worried. You nodded and weakly smiled at him.

"Oh, you have something on you." He spoke and leaned forward. You froze and he froze as well. You swear you saw stars in his eyes and it was gorgeous. Minho slowly tucked your hair behind your ears and held your cheeks.

But the door rang, he let go and backed away. "I-I'll go get that.." you nodded and ate your food quietly. Smiling yourself without noticing it.

- Minho's POV

Jogged over to the door and opened it, all of stray kids came inside. "Guys. GUYS." I was trying to stop them but they already saw Y/N sitting at the table eating.

"Ooohhhh! Lee know has a girlllll~!!"

"Didnt you two fought last week? But why is she here??"

"Lee know, explain to us now."

"Guys, let's greet her!!"

Seungmin walks over to her and greeted her, along with Hyunjin and Jeongin. Chan just headed towards me, "Soo? Whys she here?" I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"I'm Seungmin! This is Hyunjin and Jeongin!" She smiled and bowed slightly, "Hey, I'm Jung Y/N. I've met some of you I'm sure..??" She's so darn cute.

Jeongin waved shyly and Hyunjin ruffled her hair. My blood boiled. Felix came behind her and hugged her, "Helloo! I'm felix! And may I have some these food? I'm starving from practice." She nodes and gave a bowl of food to him.

That's it.

I quickly grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the kitchen, to my room.

:O is minho jealous??? Read the next one when it's uploaded! 💖💖

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