the first scare

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Almost 4 months had past. Jo was 17 weeks along in her pregnancy, she was showing a little baby bump and starting to tell people. Although she loved her baby bump, she was starting to feel subconscious about the weight she was gaining.

Jo rolled over to see Alex was wide awake. "Good morning, beautiful." He said kissing her.  But before she could respond she jumped up and ran to the bathroom. Alex right behind her.

"I can't wait for this to be over." She said between throwing up. Alex just rubbed her back and held her hair. "It will all be worth it in the end." He reminded her.

After she finished throwing up she went and laid on the couch while Alex made breakfast. He finished making her a glass of orange juice and walked it over to her on the couch. He realized she was crying. "Hey, what's the matter?" He said sitting down to hold her.

"I feel so awful and gross and I'm getting so fat." Jo said starting to cry into Alex's chest.

"Jo, you're not fat. You're beautiful. And you're pregnant." He kissed her hair and held her tight. All the sudden Jo tensed up and started holding her stomach. "What? What's wrong? Jo talk to me?" He started panicking.

"I- Alex somethings wrong." She said tearing up again. "What if I'm having a miscarriage.." she said starting to panic.

"No, Jo don't talk like that. Tell me what hurts." He tried to stay calm.

"It's right here." She said pulling his hand. "Its like a little burst of pain. Maybe like a flutter."

Alex just started smiling like an idiot. "Jo, it's okay. The babies kicking!"

"What? No? Wait really?" She asked completely confused.

"Yeah, that's all. Everything's okay." He tried reassuring her. "But we can still go get you checked out if you'd like."

"Alex it's not that I don't trust you, I just- I just want to be sure." She was still trying to calm herself down.

"Okay then we will go real quick. I'll text Robbins right now and tell her." He said taking out his phone.

A couple hours later they were back home in the loft. "I'm sorry I didn't trust you Alex. I just get so scared anytime it has to do with the baby." Jo said sighing.

"Hey, it's okay. I understand." He said kissing her. "Are you as excited as I am to find out the gender next week?" He asked.

"Ecstatic." She replied with a big smile. "Can we eat something?"

Alex laughed. She was always hungry. "Of course. What would you like?"

"Some chocolate. And maybe some pickles. I don't know, that's so gross but that's what the baby wants." She said smiling.

Flash forward a week. Jo had been at the hospital for a couple hours when Alex called her. "Hey Babe."

"Hey, you ready to find out the gender!?" He asked excitedly.

"So ready." She said. "Meet me up in OB in 10."

"Okay, see you soon. Love you." He replied.

"Love you more." She said before hanging up the phone.

10 minutes later she was laying on an exam table while the doctor started the ultrasound. "Everything looks good! Are y'all wanting to know the gender?" She asked them.

"Yes!" They both said together.

"Well... Congratulations, it's a girl!!" She said smiling.

Jo started crying. "It's a girl." She said through sobs. She had never been happier.

The doctor left the room and Alex helped Jo down from the table. "A girl huh?" He said smiling.

"I'm so happy, Alex. I've never been so happy. I love you so much." She said tearing up.

"I love you more than you will ever know." He said giving her a quick kiss. "And I've never been happier either."

After their shifts ended they both went home to sleep and shower. They decided to watch a movie and they both fell asleep. Jo cuddled in Alex's arms. All 4 of their arms on her stomach.

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