~Chapter Two~

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“Get in the portal!” Rockstar Freddy ordered them. Right now Rockstar Freddy, Lefty, and now Ballora and Rockstar Foxy were running from E.B. 

“You can’t run forever!” E.B yelled, bursting into the portal room. He grabbed one of the animatronics before they could run in and pulled them to the floor, which turned out to be Lefty. E.B. pinned him down and  grinned at him, swinging his knife at him.

 Lefty grabbed a hold of his arm and kept him from stabbing himself, though E.B. was surprisingly too strong for him. When he saw the knife glitch out of his hand and reappear in his free hand, he grabbed that arm and fought hard to avoid being stabbed by this absurd thing. E.B. managed to stab his eye socket with the missing eye, and the knife went into his head. Oil spilled from it as he fought to stay alive. He then noticed that E.B. went still. Completely still. He focused on the knife and saw that it was just inches away from his head. He could see him shaking. He’s holding back. Why’s he holding back?

“Bryan..?” Lefty spoke up.

“Lefty, run. Now!” Bryan told him. He got off of Lefty, letting him get up.

“Bryan, what about you!? That thing is possessing you!” Lefty pushed on.

“Look, I don’t have a lot of time before he gains control again. Just run!” Bryan ordered him. Lefty looked at him one more time, then ran into the portal, with E.B. now in control and chasing after him.

*~--- In the portal ---~*

When they got out of the portal. They found themselves in minigames; skywars more specifically.

“Did we lose him?” Rockstar Foxy asked.

“Don’t be silly. You can never lose me.” E.B. purred, followed by groans of frustration from the others.

“What did you do to Bryan, you freak?” Lefty shot at him.

“Ouch! Ooo, that hurt. Whatever did I do to deserve that?” E.B. replied, acting hurt, which angered Lefty.

“You possessed our friend, that’s what you did!” Lefty retorted back at him.

“I mean, that was his own fault, to be honest.” E.B. stated, which got him and Lefty in an argument.

“Has anybody ever noticed that whenever something bad happens, it usually happens to Bryan?” Ballora pointed out. And when you think about it, It’s true. He  hallucinates about Molten, springtrap made him kill his animatronics, the twisted animatronics go after him specifically, Virtual Freddy’s after him for some reason, and now he’s being possessed. And he has to run the theme park and pretend to be alright in front of the guests when something wrong with him. It almost makes you wonder how much stress that puts him under.

“What do you mean?” Rockstar Foxy asked, screaming right after as he got hit off the map and lost.

“I mean, he’s been dealing with a lot of stress lately; the twisted animatronics keep coming after us, more specifically after Bryan. He’s always hallucinates about molten, just think about it.” She explained to him. 

“Are you two done arguing yet?” Rockstar Freddy questioned Lefty and E.B. in an irritated manner.

“Yep, when this one-eyed freaks done, then I’m done.” E.B. scoffed. Lefty was about to shoot a sly reply at him, but he said nothing, knowing he’s trying to instigate the argument even more.

The Creator and The PuppetMaster - T. F. F. AU (Discontinued, rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now