Chapter Two: Footsteps of Fate

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  After a journey that lasted two days, Lyn and Robin came within sight of a town. Robin, being unfamiliar with Sacae knew not where they were. They had long left the endless grasses of the plains, trading it for a more traveled route. Being unfamiliar with Sacae, she looked in confusion at Lyn's excitement upon seeing the town.

  "That's Bulgar, the biggest city in all if Sacae." Lyn pointed to town in the distance. "We should purchase supplies there for our journey."

  The pair walked on until they passed under the town's gates. Bulgar was rather large. Not the biggest town in Lycia by far but it had plenty of stores that would provide supplies for the traveling pair. They stopped to take it all in, neither having been there before. A large fountain was the center piece of the town with various shops surrounding it. There was an armory, magic shop, food market, and many other shops that could not be clearly made out from where they stood.

  "Right. We should split up and then meet back here in an hour's time. Here's some gold I managed to snag from the bandits when they attacked." Lyn tossed a bag of gold to Robin. "Try to pick up a few more vulneraries and some elixirs if you can. I'll..."

  "Oh, my heart! What a dazzling vision of loveliness!" A young man in green armor with green hair that had a bit of brown to it waltzed over to Lyn, a hand across his heart.

  Lyn raised her eyebrows and exchanged a look with Robin who was staring blankly at the man, a slightly amused expression barely readable on her face. This was not surprising as in the few days Lyn had known Robin, she had barely spoken unless to give tactical orders and had rarely shown emotions. It had been quite unnerving at first but eventually, she got used to it.

  Lyn turned too walk away, ignoring the young man.

  "Wait, O beauteous one!" The man called out dramatically, extending his hand towards Lyn. "Would you not favor me with your name? Or better yet, your company?"

  "Where are you from, sir knight, that you speak so freely to a stranger?" Lyn asked, staying a few paces back from the man.

  "Ha! I thought you'd never ask. I am from Lycia. I hail from the Caelin canton, home to men of passion and fire!"

  Lyn rolled her eyes. "Shouldn't that be 'home to callow oafs with loose tongues'?"

  "Ooooh... you're even lovelier when you're cruel." The man approached her, staring at her expectantly. 

  "Let's go, Robin. I've nothing more to say. If this foul man dares follow us, he will feel the sting of my blade." Lyn turned and glared at the young man before beginning to walk off.

  "Wait! Please..." The young man pleaded before he was cut off by another man.

  "Sain! Hold your tongue!" The man that appeared next to the young man, Sain, said. He wore red armor and had rust colored hair.

  "Ah, Kent! My boon companion!" Sain turned and said in an over exaggerated fashion to the rusty haired man. "Why so severe an expression?"

  "If your manner were more serious, I wouldn't have to be so severe." Kent said. "We still have a mission to complete, Sain."

  "I know that. But how could I remain silent in the presence of such beauty? I would have been discourteous."

  "What do you know about courtesy?"


  "Perhaps those two men are gone now." Lyn said as she stepped out of the magic shop alongside Robin, satchel of vulnerary replenished.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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