Chapter Thirty One

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Weeks had passed. It was now January 6th. Morgan and I had spent the rest of our Christmas and New Years in Sneedville and went back home yesterday. Today was actually a really fun day because a bunch of the artists and Jett Records were going to play at the 'Nashville New Year Festival' tonight. Hannah was also announcing her pregnancy today and Morgan and I were announcing our engagement. Both things happened months ago, but we kept them on the down low, and because none of us had public appearances, we had no reason to announce yet, so instead of writing today. The three of us, along with Maddie, Tae, Jennifer, and Naomi all played around and made announcement videos and pictures.

"Hannah, you can't stand like that or you look huge!" Naomi says.

"I fucking am huge!" She yells back. We all laughed watching them try to figure out what way Hannah needed to stand to make her stomach prominent.

"Fine. Do whatever. I don't care" Naomi says throwing her hands up. Jennifer managed to get them both clamed down and Hannah posed well enough for her to take a video. They were just going to post in on the Runaway June accounts on social media.

"Hello, World! Hannah Mulholland here, and as you can see by the size of my belly, I have some big news to share! I am currently six months pregnant and expecting a baby boy in April! The daddy and I could not be more excited, and there will be more information coming soon, but for now...I love you all!" She says. She didnt want to mention that Morgan was the father until after Morgan posted his video. Thankfully, that was next.

He had a plan for his video. I got on his right side and Hannah was on his left, then he started the video.

"What's up, guys. Morgan Wallen here, and I have two very very important announcements for you guys. I decided to do the right thing and man up to be a dad to my son I am expecting with my ex girlfriend, Hannah Mulholland" He says. Hannah then joined him. "I'm also veering off the path and taking a slight left, because I slid a ring onto the left hand of my beautiful girlfriend, Callan Grey". I then joined them both. "I'll keep all you updated on both situation. I love you guys".

They video ended and he posted it. I wasn't really that important in Nashville, so I didn't bother posting anything, but Morgan's and the Runaway June accounts blew up with a lot of positive things, but also a lot of negative stuff too. Thankfully, we could all overlook that.


Hours had passed and we were all ready to the festival tonight. Morgan and I matched out clothes. He let me pick the outfits. I wore a long, green, strapless dress with a slit up the side. And morgan wore a white button up shirt with dress pants and suit jacket that matched the color of my dress. The last time we ever got dressed up like this together was for prom, and I have to say...this was pretty fun.

"We got some interviews to do. They want you to join in" Morgan says before we get out of the car. I nod.

"Just don't let go of my hand" I say. He kisses me.

"I never will" He said as the car stopped. He got out first and held the door open for me. He interlaced out fingers as we walked to the first interviewer.

"Morgan Wallen, it's so good to see you tonight. How ya feelin?".

"I'm feeling great, man. Very happy to be here" He says.

"Now, today you announced a wedding and a baby. How you feeling about that?".

"Well, as you can see, I've got my beautiful bride with me. And my baby mama is floating around somewhere, so I'm a happy, excited man" He says. The interviewer looked at me.

"Now, Callan Grey, you are a songwriter at Jett Records and you know Hannah. Do you have beef with her, or anything." He asks me.

"Oh, my goodness, no! I love her beyond words. We're pretty good friends and I was actually the first person to know she was pregnant" I say.

"So you're excited?".

"Completely excited. And I get to be that baby's step mother, because I'm marrying the most amazing man in the world. Life couldn't be better" I say. He smiled and said goodbye as we went to the next interview.

Most of the questions centered around the wedding or the baby, so we got used to saying g the same thing, but it wasnt until now, when the whole world knew, that it felt real. Morgan and Hannah were going to be parents, I was going to be a step mom, and I was also marrying the most amazing man.

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