With a cup of coffee (and some poison) pt.2

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I need to kill him.

Nagisa didn't want these feelings to flourish more, to grow like some pretty little flower that would only get stomped by his own foolishness and naïveté. He was an assassin, Karma was his target, that was how it went and how it should go.

And that's how it'll go, Nagisa thought.

"Wow, these are some quality beer," Karma whistled, examining the bottles he had brought.

Nagisa let himself enter Karma's apartment, looking a bit sheepish as he said, "Only the best to get drunk on,"

"Sure, you can hold your liquor?" Nagisa pursed his lips, out of Karma's sight, as he followed the taller man to the living room.

I can't. But I'm not going to be the one drinking today.

Placing the stack on the table, Karma headed to another room before coming back with a bottle opener and two tall glasses. Popping the cap off, Karma poured them both a glass and sat himself next to Nagisa, raising the glass up to clink them together.

"Ah~" Karma removed the glass from his lips, placing it back on the table, "This is better than those cheap grainy malt scotch down the street, where did you get these from?"

Nagisa took a few sips himself, in order to make his indulgence of alcohol believable, "My aunt's in Russia," he lied through his teeth, "she brought these along with her a few months ago," Liar, Irina-sensei gave you those.

"Mmhm.." His eyes then landed on Nagisa's almost untouched glass, a huge contrast comparing with his own that was almost empty now, "Hey, Nagisa-kun~ You need to drink more! You said that we needed to get drunk, didn't you?"

"Of course," Nagisa feigned drinking, tricking Karma into believing that he was swallowing the whole thing down like water when he was actually pouring it into the pouch he had brought. The first few sips had done it for him though since he could see his cheeks darkening through the reflection in his glass.

"That's the way!" Karma poured another glass for both of them, not looking a bit drunk as he drank the content straightaway. How trusting, what if I had poisoned the beer? Nagisa thought somewhat critically, I wouldn't have survived if I had been this trusting back then. Past memories were... bad, he didn't want to recall them one bit.

Shaking them off, Nagisa raised his own to his lips, pouring it to the pouch hidden under the table snugly. Drinks after drinks were poured, Karma's cheek growing more red and his tongue loosening more, Nagisa wasn't the least bit drunk but he acted the part before Karma got intoxicated, so that he could feel more confident on getting drunk.

There were so many times Nagisa could've ended Karma's life if he had wanted to. But that didn't feel right after spending so much time with him, talking to Rio, listening to Karma, but now, Nagisa could feel free to kill Karma. Maybe even kiss the guy silly before stabbing through him just so that he would be feeling happy until his very last seconds.

Seriously, when had he started caring about sentiments so much?

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