A Christmas Miracle

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There had been several things- several qualities, possession and talents- Nagisa had once wished he had. It was in his nature, of course, to want things like those. Though it added to the numerous flaws he had, there wasn't much he could do about something so deep rooted.

In his defence, he'd never really been a materialistic person. Only things that other people had which would make him envious and them admirable in his eyes were the few one of the few wishes he had. Most of the time, it was just wishful thinking that if he ever had those qualities, his mom would be more happier having him.

But that issue had been fixed already, so Nagisa could very happily say that the most important of his few wishes had been fulfilled- cutting his hair off and making his mom acknowledge him. However, as pleasant as satisfaction could feel for human beings, their desires were always fickle, changing so much that no one could ever really be sure what to wish if they had a wish granted for themselves.

In Nagisa's case, he could say that he had grown greedier too. Never had he ever wanted something as much as the ring that he had quite clandestinely slipped on Karma's finger.

The ring wasn't expensive at all. In fact, it had been one of the more cheap pair rings that came together, but he had to compromise when his salary as a teacher didn't last enough with all the taxes, groceries, train fares and a few miscellaneous that he had to buy every now and then. Even then, it wasn't the cheapest ring, costing some money that he had amassed over the years of working and a little help from the prize money.

The band was silver, twinkling when Nagisa held Karma's hand up, intertwining his own ringed finger, for the first time in his life, ever thankful for the Karma's tendency to fall into sleeps so deep that he'd only stir when the apartment would be on fire.

It fit so well on Karma's finger, and the way his own hand slotted itself in the empty spaces between his fingers felt too good to be true.

It wasn't like they needed to get married. They practically lived in the same house, under the same rood and slept on the same bed- hell, even their laundry would get mixed up! Not that Nagisa really mind using Karma's clothes as sleepwear.

Their lives were so conjoined that it would be weird if they didn't see each other at least once each day.

So, it brought him back to the topic of rings and marriage. Just the thought of marrying Karma made him flush red all over. Ridiculous, considering how they acted like married couples most of the time.

If married couples broke out into a splashing fight while washing and drying the dishes, threw balls of suds in the middle of a bath, watched movies till dawn on weekends and sneaked secret kisses off each other in the public, then they surely made a great married couple.

But they'd never really had to talk about legal bonds and things like those. What if Karma actually didn't want a permanent relationship? What then? Nagisa didn't even want to think about it. But it was gonna matter soon if they wanted to be recognized as legitimate couples.

Japan wasn't the best country for the kind of love they had, and they couldn't do much than hold hands while in public- that too like platonic friends. More than that and people around them would start getting judgmental, which was alright to be honest, Nagisa never really considered others' perspective as that significant, but then again, his career would get affected as an outcome and he couldn't afford to lose that.

It wasn't like same-sex marriage wasn't recognized as legitimate! In all legal views, they could get married and settle accordingly, and that was where Karma's say came.

Karma... had never shown any interests in marrying him. Sure he might've teased how they could go to Morocco and get him neutered, and have their honeymoon there, but that was way back then- for all the things, Karma might've even forgotten that already!

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