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Warning: As this story contains yandere themes, the characters display behaviors that can be triggering or uncomfortable to read. Read at your own risk. This work is purely fiction. I do not believe any of the mentioned members would display any sort of this behaviour irl.


And nothing is scarier than a lonely man.


The skies were grim, grey, and dull with heavy clouds that over-casted the premises. It was evident as the sun on a cloudless day that a storm was going to accompany the heavy rain pour that would occur soon. The weather had been wet like this the entire day. There was a bit of halt in the rain in between that was like a breather for people who were unfortunate enough to be caught in the storm.

Presently, it was not raining which allowed more people to crowd the streets. There were some innocent lovers of the night who were out and about to simply enjoy the outdoors while they still could.. However, most of the people who crowded the streets were people who were disapproved or had been neglected by society. Out of everyone, the hidden predators who were seeking a prey, were the people one would not want to encounter.

Amongst the crowd, there was one of the protagonists of the story who strode in the shadows of the street. Jungkook blended well with the darkness surrounding him because he was dressed in black run-down jeans, and a baggy black hoodie that covered his face. His bangs overshadowed his face too, which made him more unrecognizable.

Jungkook had finally, and successfully escaped from the orphanage he was forced to live in. They said that it was the law and he had to stay, and because it was for his own good. However, in a place like where he lived at until this moment, nothing was ever for his own good. Everything was always done in order to satisfy the repressed, and unethical desires of the caretakers. He was forced to live through circumstances that would traumatize most people.

The orphanage life he, and others that were there were forced to endure, was supposed to keep them sheltered and cut off from the outside world. However, Jungkook was the type of person who could never be held back from attaining something he had set his eyes on. No matter how cruel or confining his circumstances had ever become, he always managed to get his hands on the things he wanted.

The rest of his 'family' in the orphanage tended to practice art, writing, or read, and etc, in order to find some sort of solace from their cruel reality. Unlike them, Jungkook spent most of his free time consuming media that talked about family; a real family that consisted of a working father, home stay mother, and their child. The ideals that surrounded this type of heteronormative family were how the father would diligently work long hours so he could provide for his family, and the mother who had sacrificed her career, in order to selflessly took care of her entire family, to assure they were well looked after. The unlining message was how both parents sacrificed themselves endlessly for the sake of their child's happiness. It was this conception that encouraged Jungkook to consume media on the topics of the perfect family all the time.

The lack of parental -- well, any love, in his entire life had made Jungkook curious of it. After that curiosity was fed with unrealistic ideals portrayed in fictional media, it was a reality Jungkook had unknowingly began to seek.

Jungkook never received the chance to pursue his own happily ever after. However now, that chance was in his hands.

As he trudged along an unknown path, his conscious lost in his thoughts, he was forced to return to reality as droplets of rain started to fall from the dark skies, and landed on his skin. It started slow, one drop at a time just like any other time it rained. However, soon, one drop started to fall too fast after the other, before the next heavy pour began.

Jungkook turned his head upwards towards the sky, and gazed at it. He wondered what the future, where he now had the freedom to do as he pleased without any consequences, had in store for him.

By now, mostly everyone who had been preoccupying the streets had left to escape the rain. As a result, the night had become silent. It was time for the lonely hearts who had suffered, and were rejected from life from the get go to be out in the rain, and ponder.

"Its relaxing, isn't it?" A soft and feminine voice whispered. Instantly, Jungkook snapped his head towards her. He noted how just like him, she was dressed in all black clothing and had most of her face concealed. It was obvious that she was an escaper, just like him. But unlike Jungkook, she was not a literal escaper who had run away. For her, the term escapee was only a metaphor. She was simply a lover of stormy and rainy nights, because this weather always soothed whatever troubles she had going on in her life.

"The rain helps us hide our real tears, and washes the pain away. Massive storms can be so devastatingly destructive, but a gentle one like this can comfort us if we let it. Taehyung was right; something about the night, the rain and the storm is just comforting for those who are broken. It makes us reminiscent the darkness that made our stars shine. On the internet they call it .... Pluviophile or something? I don't remember," She told softly, and giggled to herself.

Jungkook's eyes were wide in wonder. Like a child who had found his next object to yet to obsess over, and was curious about it, he spoke.

"Who's Taehyung?"

She turned to him, and her eyes were twinkling with mischief.

"Who are you?" She countered. His reply was instant, short, and straightforward.


"Taehyung is my best friend, and I'm [Name]. Nice to meet you Jungkook."

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