First Day Of School

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(A/N): I gotta ask everyone. What should our MC's codename be? It sure as shit can't be Wolverine since that has already been taken.

3rd Person POV

It has been a week since (Y/N) joined the
X-Men and became a permanent resident of the school.

Right now it is a lovely morning at the school, there was a nice breeze, the birds were chirping, and everyone had a smile on their-


... Nevermind.

Inside the mansion in the Professor's office, both Logan and Xavier stood/sat in front of
(Y/N) who was sitting in another chair in front of them.

And he was not happy.

(Y/N): Go back to school?!

Logan crossed his arms.

Logan: Yep.

Charles: You're still young (Y/N). It's important that you get your education so that you can have a better future.

(Y/N): I get that but I haven't been to school in three years and I've gotten by just fine.

Logan: That's when you were on the streets kiddo. And as far I'm concerned you're not on the streets anymore.

(Y/N): But-

Logan: No buts! There's no way I'm having my boy grow up to be a bum. You're going, end of story!

The father and son glared at each other for a minute until (Y/N) broke his gaze with a sigh.

(Y/N): When do I start?

Charles: Tomorrow at 8:00 A. M. don't be late.

The young mutant nodded begrudgingly and then stood up and left the room.

The professor turned to the old mutant who sighed in annoyance.

Logan: That kid can be a pain in my ass sometimes.

Charles: (smirks) Like father, like son. He really is like you Logan.

Logan chuckled.

Logan: (smirks) Yeah...

Charles then noticed that Logan was looking down in thought.

Charles: You're worried that HE will find

Logan: Reading my mind Chuck?

Charles: I don't need to read your mind to know what you're thinking Logan.

Logan sighed.

Logan: Knowing him he will go after anyone related to me. His fight is with me not my boy's!

Charles: Calm down Logan. The boy's been on his own for three years. I'm pretty sure he can take care of himself.

Logan: It doesn't matter if he can take care of himself. He ain't fought, anyone like Sabretooth before!

Charles reaches out and puts a hand on Logan's shoulder.

Charles: I understand your worry old friend but (Y/N) is a fighter just like you. You just have to believe in him if that day ever comes. And if he can't handle it then you can step in.

Logan nodded but on the inside, he was still worried.

The Next Day

(Y/N) now stood in front of his new hell- I mean school called Bayville High School.

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