Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven:
Rocky Road Ice Cream

"So, I was thinkin'-"

"That's never good." Stan interrupted, smiling teasingly and holding open the ice cream shop door.

Felicity rolled her eyes, waving at the girl, she thought her name was Poet, working at the counter.

Felicity sat across from Stan at the taller table, crossing her legs and leaning on her elbows as she sat.

"Stop being rude!" Felicity jokingly crossed her arms, glaring at him.

"Stating facts isn't being rude, Fel." Stan smirked, leaning back in his chair.

"Facts are rude, Stanley my manley. The! The manley! Stanley the manley. I-I meant the! Not my!" Felicity quickly covered, regretting opening her mouth. "I-I di-didn't mean to say that.."

Stan smiled at her, his cheeks reddening as he slid out of the chair. "I'm gonna get you some rocky road."

"Ye-Yeah, yes, please. T-"

"Two scoops, I know!" Stan raised two fingers, "Don't worry."

Felicity turned red as she looked down at her hands. She bit her lip in jealousy as she listened to the girl's flirtatious tone as Stan ordered.

She drummed her right hand's fingers against the table as she stared at the passing people, leaning her head in her left hand.

As she watched, her mind wandered off. She pondered that every person had a separate, unique life.

With their own thoughts, ideas, likes and dislikes, sexualities, tastes, and personalities. Sometimes it made her feel so... so alone in the world.

She realized that she was only but a small speck in her ever growing universe.

It saddened her to know her name would never be remembered in one hundred years. Time would pass. The days wouldn't stop.. her life would go on and on.. without her. It would be as if nothing had ever happened. As if she never existed.

She wondered what her life meant.. if anything. She wondered what she was made for. What she was born to do. Felicity wondered.

"Here you go.." Stan squeaked, sliding her ice cream in front of her. "I-I got you um, three.. scoops.."

Felicity smiled gently, taking her eyes off of the passing cars, "Thanks, Stan."

She smiled to herself as his fingers brushed against hers for the second time that day.

"Your hands are soft.. cold.. but soft." Felicity pointed out, stirring the ice cream. "I liked it

Stan smiled faintly, looking away from her blue eyes as he licked his ice cream cone.

Silence took over the two teens, though it wasn't awkward. It was a comfortable silence.. A sweet one.. Almost as if it was an understanding silence.

Felicity sighed as she watched Stan eat his ice cream. Her eyes trailed down to his face.

She gulped, bringing her bottom lip between her teeth as he looked around the ice cream shop.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Stan said, briefly glancing down at Felicity's lips as they curved into a smile.

In response, Felicity smirked and picked up the camera. She raised it to her face and quickly snapped a picture and smiled in satisfaction at him.

"Boom." Felicity smirked, shaking the picture. "Oh, yeah. I'm keepin' this. It's goin' on my wall. You look cute."

Stan blushed and looked away, squeezing his ice cream cone tighter as he looked away from her gaze. "T-Th-Thank."

Felicity held the picture in her hand "Thank?"

"S.. Thank..s thanks." Stan stuttered, tussling his hair as he stared down at the table. Her eyes glanced at Poet as she walked into the breakroom.

Felicity giggled as she looked down at his lips for a split second. She felt her heart skip a beat as she gripped the spoon in her hand tighter.

She let her mind wander again. But this time.. this time she didn't think about the billions of strangers in the known world.. No.

No, this time she thought about Stan. She thought about him. How he looked.. His mop of curls that she wanted to run her hands through while he held her so close and so tight. His smile that she couldn't get enough of. It took her breath away every time.. especially if she was the cause.

His laugh.. oh, how she loved his laugh more than anything. More than life itself.

The butterflies that would infest her stomach when he bit his lip in concentration.

It gave her chills everytime.

She liked his lips... maybe a little more than she probably should..

And that's when she realized something.

She wanted to kiss him. She wanted to kiss him more than anything else.

She wanted him to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her close to him.

She wanted to tangle her hands into his hair as he gripped her hips.

Felicity wanted to kiss him so badly.

So.. She did.

She dropped her spoon into her bowl and slipped out of her chair. Stan gave her a confused look, and opened his mouth to speak.

"Felicity? What are you do-"

"Sh. Don't question me." Felicity whispered, swallowing thickly as she glanced down at his lips.

Slowly, she leaned forward, as if waiting for consent. When he gave her a slignt nod, Felicity closed the gap between them.

Her heart burst with joy as she smiled into the kiss. Stan's hands traveled down to her hips as hers squeezed his shoulders.

"I-I.. what was that for?" Stan asked quietly, his eyes filled with adoration as he stared at her.

"I.. wanted to kiss you.. so.. I, uh, I did." Felicity cleared her throat, "Did you it?"

"Like it? I loved it.." Stan smiled, looking down at his hands. "It was just how I'd imagined.. not..not that I'd imagined kissing you.. and no-not that I haven't! I-I-"

"Sh, sh, sh.. I've imagined it, too." Felicity winked, pulling him in for another kiss.


{ Word Count: 1004 }

{ A/n: I WAS FUCKING RIGHT YA'LL. I KNEW IT! ALSO sorry this was big filler,,,,, }

{ Edited: No }

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