Something great - Setsuno Toya

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Rain drops covered your clothes as you briskly walked down the street. Your trainers were soaked, maybe you should pay attention to where you're walking next time to avoid stepping in puddles. You didn't care if you were soaked to the bone, you had somewhere to be. You worked in the underground as a part of a small yakuza organisation, and there have been rumours that Chisaki Kai - leader of the Shie Hassaikai - has been looking for you. To kill you or to recruit you, you have no idea. In case things turn ugly, there's a knife and pistol on the waistband of your jeans, covered by your long coat. Short pants escape your mouth as you walk faster. You're almost at your destination. A quick turn round a corner and here you are, stood in front of the Shie Hassaikai's base. You look around, making sure no one is following you, then you press the intercom button next to the towering gate in front of you. A short buzzing sound follows, then a tired voice answers, "who are you and what business do you have being here?" You didn't recognise the voice, but you knew it wasn't Chisaki. "My name is [Y/N] [L/N] and I'm here because I've heard Chisaki has been looking for me." You reply, trying not to sound nervous- but really, anyone would be nervous if they heard Overhaul has been looking round for them. There was a brief pause, then the gate slowly creaked open. You took that as an invitation to enter, so you did. Walking the short distance to the front door, you began to think about what was about to happen to you. As soon as you were in front of the door to the building, it swung open, startling you. You did not recognise the man in front of you, he must be some small time criminal following Chisaki's orders. You slowly walked inside the building and looked around, it was so clean - almost hospital like. You could smell the stench of disinfectant and other harsh chemicals that smothered the place. The man did not speak as he began leading you somewhere, presumably to Chisaki. He lead you through a secret passageway, and then proceeded to lead you down corridors that all looked the same. You began to become slightly disoriented, you couldn't remember how long you'd been walking. Suddenly he stops, and you almost slam into his back. He turned to look as you, "wait here. I'll inform Overhaul of your presence." And with that, he turned to a door on his left, and entered the room there. You tried to glance inside, but you couldn't see a thing. Sighing, you looked around the corridor, trying to find any sign of other people being here. You could see a door on the far end of the corridor, and you could hear murmurs coming from it. Curiosity got the best of you. Cautiously, you approach the door, luckily it was opened slightly. You peered inside, there were a group of men sitting on sofas around a small table. You noticed they all had masks on, and a thin man with smooth blond hair was the only one not laughing at whatever just happened. He had dark eye bags and he looked distant from his companions, it intrigued you. You wanted to talk to him. You opened the door further and cleared your throat, causing everyone to look at you. They all seemed to freeze, and the look in their eyes suggested they were ready to fight. "Excuse me, I'm looking for Overhaul. I've heard rumours that he's been looking for me," you explained quickly, before they could attack you. The blonde man began to speak, "he's busy at the moment, but I can lead you to his office." This confused you, 'I thought that other man lead me to Overhaul.' You thought as you watched the man stand up from where he was seated. He approached you, face unreadable under that mask he was wearing. He briefly looked at you before walking down the corridor in the opposite direction to where the other man had been leading you. You followed, the silence between you and the man irritated you. You needed to make conversation. "So, what's your name?" You asked as he turned a corner, leading down a different hallway. He briefly looked at you before replying, "Setsuno. Setsuno Toya." 'Setsuno', you thought. Smiling slightly, you continued to speak,"my name is [Y/N] [L/N]. Nice to meet you." You thought he'd continue talking to you, but instead you were met with silence. You huffed slightly, "wow Setsuno, you're really chatty, aren't you?" This caused him to stopped walking and turn around to look at you. He glared for a second before sighing, "what do you want me to talk about? My pitiful life?" There was something about how he said that, how his voice cracked slightly, that made you want to hug him. "Yes," you replied softly, "talk to me about your life and how you got here." Setsuno's face softened, and he began talking about his life before Overhaul found him in the trash, how his girlfriend cheated on him and left him in a bunch of debt. It made you so angry, hearing how he tried to take his own life because of this woman. If you ever saw this bitch, you'd beat her bloody. Tears were shed in the hallway, and the two of you got to know each other a bit better stood in that hallway. This could be the beginning of something great.

𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚎 𝙷𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚔𝚊𝚒 𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 Where stories live. Discover now