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hey there people of earth and wattpas! so im Emma and this is my first ever story, I am not going to be one of those regular wattpad uploaders. I wrote this story for an english assignment about bullying and some of my peasant friends told me I should put it up on wattpad, so I listened to them and well we are were we are. Hope you enjoy the story, if you hate it I actually couldn't care less, if you like it just comment and let me know. Please do not steal this story either because if you do I will personally track you down! so watch your backs you muggles! If you read this story thank you so much, bye bye my little kiddlie winks and enjoy :) xx

Friendship -(noun) a state of mutual trust and support between allied nations.

That’s what normal friends are like aren’t they?

Well then, I guess my friendship isn’t exactly normal.

My name is Ella. I'm 17 years old and just your normal teenage girl. Everything about me screams normal - my appearance, my height, my weight; I’m just normal. Or at least, I thought I was, until my so called 'best friend' pointed out that I was far-from it.

Carmen and I have been best friends since before we could even talk. Our parents went to school together and so our families practically do everything together. Carmen has always been the bigger, stronger person in our friendship. She is only a week older then me, but she acts as though she is years my senior.

My friendship with Carmen is like any other friendship between best friends, the stupid insults and name calling. Carmen always seems to be the one making the jokes then receiving them. If you make one at her expense, she takes it quite seriously and the repercussions are...dramatic. Usually though it’s just the silly names like loser, stupid and idiot.

There was one time when we went shopping for a pair of heels for Carmen’s sisters wedding and I had found these bright blue gorgeous suede shoes that would match my dress perfectly. Carmen took one look at them and said “Are you seriously thinking about them? Hah! You can’t be serious! Please no, you’ll look like an idiot in front of my entire family”

I didn’t think much of it, so I just laughed, “No, I was only looking at how ugly they were”.

This is the type of thing that usually happens, Carmen is always right, and everything is about her. She is always pushing me around, telling me what to do. Don’t get me wrong, there are some days were we can both have a good time not a bad word passes between us, but that rarely happens.

Carmen and I are in our last term of year twelve, both stressing about our finals. Particularly my art major, which I have been working so hard on these last few months, is driving me crazy. I had decided to paint a picture of something from my childhood. My family owns a little cottage house, right on the waterfront. A beautiful white brick house complete with a garden of roses and double chimney, which glistened in the rays of the late afternoon sun. Every time I think about it I get goosebumps. I used to think about it every time I wanted to get away. For that reason, I decided to base my major around it. It had caused me so much pain and stress, but by this time, I was nearly done and for that I was very glad.

Carmen was sleeping over tonight because she had finished her work already and agreed to help with mine. When she arrived I brought it out to show her my work so far. It seemed strange, but I was nervous about what she had to say. She stared at it for a while, just silently examining it, before she opened her mouth.

“Oh” she said “Is that all?”

My mouth dropped and my heart sank as I felt my world fall apart

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2012 ⏰

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