41) Looking Back

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Did you ever look back thinking :

- Why did I ever do that?

- Why didn't I say that?

- What the heck was I thinking?

- I regret

- No regrets

- Why did I cry over him when he didn't care about me?

- What were we even fighting about? *laughs*

- That was the best day of my life.

- Why. Why. Why


Hey guys! Tomorrow is the big day! Cauz' its Awards Day!! I'm super nervous/excited/can't wait for it to be over/sad.

I don't know how to feel about it...

And worse of all, I DON'T HAVE A CLUE ON WHAT I'M GONNA WEAR!! (first world problems) The dress code is 'Smart Casual'. And I'm totally not wearing a dress/skirt.

Oh well... Goodnight all you loves ♥ Sleep tight ;)

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