I'm Outta My Grave With More Updates

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So um im not gonna like spill everything because I'm way too tired and unmotivated but

-Team Moonblast Unite! is probably gonna get cancelled because I don't have any ideas for it and I don't really use Shelby as an oc anymore. She's more of a side character that I don't pay attention to as she's extremely underdeveloped compared to my current main cast of 13 ocs who I put almost a year of work into

-I'm planning on writing books about my current main ocs. I don't know when I will because of crappy mental health though. Be patient please I'm trying

-Here's a list of my current ocs:
-Nagisa (And Norman, Zero, Kyle, Ciel, Leon, Cherry, Willow, Chihiro, Lepidoptera, and Sakura [They're a system])
-Eridan (not ampora pls don't copyright strike me thank you)

-My current ocs aren't fully developed yet. They're still a work in progress but I have most of their backstories, designs and stuff done

-I go by He/it/xe pronouns now and use both Kennith and Karkat as my name because I'm very indecisive

-I can actually draw better now

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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