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Hello Andrhea, I just wanted you to know that I Love you so much, I know that im suicidal but now, i wanna thank you for stopping me,

This is the girl that always stay's beside me and always calming me down when im mad, sad, depressed etc, I love this girl so much, I don't want her crying and angry

I had this dream where we are having a fun time bonding, laughing, and playing, this girl took care of me when im sick, she even got sick because of me

I hate it when you are mad or sad, I wanna help you so bad but i feel powerless to comfort you, you are so smart, and talented you are special to me ofcourse, I hate it when you get hurt or irritated, If you need help just tell me and I will help you, why? BECAUSE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!

I act like im okay for you cuz I dont want you to worry too much for me

When I hear that you are in a hospital I pass out, because im too afraid of losing you, I miss you're hugs, you're hands, you're voice, and most of all.....

I love it when you comfort me when im sad or mad, when I hear you're voice and when you are beside me I feel like im being protected by an Angel

I know that sometime I ignore you, but it's because I already know you are better off without me

I can't stand it when I know you are not okay, if you get sad I feel like im gonna be torn appart, when you are mad I feel like I'm gonna be crushed by that anger

I want you to be HAPPY and not SAD
I want you to be comforted not getting bullied

Please do not be sad im here for you and I wish you a good Christmas


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