Chapter Four: The Land Of Abandonment

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 "So, where is the Land of Abandonment anyway?" asked Leo. "Merlin gave us a map for us to find it," replied Alex. She looked on her map, and she gasped with excitement. "This Jungle up ahead is called The Land of Abandonment! We are close," she exclaimed. "I've never been to a Jungle before. This adventure keeps getting better and better!" replied Steve. They started to walk on the edge of the Land of Abandonment. "Jeez, the Land of Abandonment stretches very far. We better get moving," Alex exclaimed. Once they stepped into the jungle, a parrot flew past them. "Cool! I want to tame it!" exclaimed Leo. "Let's not get too distracted or we might get caught by Goliath," replied Steve. "Come on. It's just one seed and he's tamed," replied Leo. He grabbed some seeds, and he fed it to the parrot. The colorful parrot climbed onto Leo's shoulder.     

 "Wait for a second, wasn't colorful parrots called Treasure Finding parrots?" asked Alex. "I don't know. Let me check my book just in case," replied Leo.  He flipped to a page that had everything to do with parrots. "It says colorful parrots can find wonderful artifacts and loot! There are stored in a Jungle Temple deep in the land of abandonment. Use sparkle seeds to make a colorful parrot find the treasure for you," read Leo. " Sparkle seeds? There is no such thing!" exclaimed Steve. "Actually, I just found a field of it over here," replied Alex. She showed Leo and Steve the seeds. "Let's collect some of these seeds and feed it to the parrot," exclaimed Steve. Once they were done, they fed the sparkly seeds to Leo's parrot. The parrot started flying towards the east. "We have to follow it!" replied Alex as she followed behind it.  

 The parrot stopped near a bush. "It must be here somewhere," exclaimed Steve. Suddenly, they heard a voice. "Are you worthy to enter the Great Temple?" asked the voice. "Yes. We have a prophecy to fulfill," replied Alex. "Then you are, but just in case this is a trick, you have to answer my riddle," the mysterious voice replied. "It is black once you get it, it is red when you use it, and it is gray when you're done with it. What am I?" "Hmm. I made my answer. Is it coal?" asked Leo. "You are correct. You may enter," he replied as the door to the temple opened.  "Whoa. This architecture is so old, so ancient," Steve said as he stared at the old stone with vines all over it. "Don't touch anything. There might be a trap," replied Alex. Suddenly, they heard rattling deeper within the temple. "Watch out! Skeletons!" shouted Leo as he raised a torch to see.     

 One skeleton shot an arrow out of its bow. It was coming for Steve, so he pulled out his sword, and used it as if it was a shield. He blocks the flying arrow which falls onto the ground. Alpha opened his jaw, and he bit the skeleton that made an attempt to shoot Steve. Leo raised his sword and stabbed it onto a skeleton's head. "Huh. Seems like you forgot to mention hostile skeletons," exclaimed Alex as she slew a skeleton with her sword. "I did on the way here," replied Leo. "Did not," she replied. "Did too," Leo shouted back."GUYS! Enough. We better hurry and get whatever is in this temple. I think we are running out of time!" shouted Steve. "My book also mentions that the treasure is in the heart of the temple, but to enter it, we need three-star keys. It also says that where each Star key is, there is a trap," exclaimed Leo. "Did it mention what kind of treasure lies in this temple?" asked Alex.  

 "Unfortunately, it doesn't say. But it did say an ancient civilization built this temple many decades ago. Maybe it is a sacred relic that is only for the civilization to know," he replied. "Well, I guess we can start going on this path. Watch out for any traps," exclaimed Steve. Suddenly, Oscar accidentally tripped over a tripwire hook which activated an arrow shooting dispenser. "OH no! DUCK!" shouted Alex as the arrows fired right over there heads. "That could have been close. But the good news is, there is a chest which only means one thing: a star key," replied Steve. They opened the chest, and as expected, there was a star key. Once Steve closed it, he realized there was a Redstone wire hooked up to someplace. "This must have been a trapped chest, we better get outta here!" shouted Steve. The ceiling has gotten replaced by lava , and it was slowly falling over there heads. Oscar was left behind. "Oscar!" shouted Alex. She ran back into the room and quickly grabbed Oscar. "MEOW!" Oscar cried.

 Alex slid right under the falling lava and barely escaped alive. "Phew. That was even a closer one. "WE should have seen that coming. It's like we weren't in enough danger already," replied Steve. "That's sarcasm, right?" asked Leo. "Of course," replied Steve. They walked into the next room. They saw the next chest hanging on a chain above a big carpet. "Let's keep our guards up, just in case this is another one of those sneaky traps," replied Alex. Oscar moved towards the carpet. "OSCAR! NO!" shouted Alex. She pulled Oscar away from the carpet before he could put his paws on it. "This carpet does look kinda sketchy. I think if we would step on this thin layer of carpet, we'll fall right trough," exclaimed Leo. "Well, then how are we going to get to the chest?" asked Steve. Leo looked around the room and found a string and slimeballs from the people who died from the traps. "We can make a rope. All we have to do is stick the slimeballs onto the strings, make a long rope that we can wrap around the hanging chest, tung it as hard as we can to make fall down, then we catch it before it lands on the carpet," Leo explained as he created a rope.   

 He wrapped it around the chest. "Ok, Alex, help me pull the chest down. Steve, catch the chest before it falls onto the carpet," Leo said. "Ready?" asked Alex. "Ready," replied Steve and Leo at the same time. They did what they planned, and it worked. "Oh, open it," said Steve. Leo opened it and it had the next star key! They got out of the room and went to the last path available. "The last path is right here. This also looks like a big maze. We better get started," said Steve. Suddenly, a trail of blue particles sprinkled on the ground. "We need to follow it, I think this leads to the right path," replied Alex. They followed the trail. Soon, they found the exit. "The last chest, and the door to the heart of the temple," said Steve. He opened it and finally got the last star key, and unlocked the heart of the temple. "WHOA," gasped Leo, Alex, and Steve with amazement. They saw four chests. They flipped open three of them, and they saw amazing loot.  

 "A bunch of fish? I think this loot should be for Oscar," exclaimed Steve. He moved over to the chest they haven't opened yet. He opened it and found a page for a book. "Leo, is this your missing page that's in your book?" asked Steve. "That is! How did it get way over here?" asked Leo. Alpha started to sniff the page. "Grawl!" he growled. "I think he smelled the hands of an enemy," exclaimed Alex. "Remember that trail of fish back at the cave? That is the exact same type of fish that was lying on the ground. Could have it came from here? And most importantly. Who did it?" asked Leo. "Please don't tell me it's... GOLIATH?!" shouted all of them.

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