Sylveon's Sadness

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"Here you go, Eevee!"
"Eve!" I cried out happily as my trainer gave me a Poképuff. As I ate it, he sighed. He must have thought I couldn't hear him, because he said,
"Why won't she evolve already?" He walked into his tent. I looked down and thought, If he wants me to evolve, then I'll evolve. I spent that whole night focusing my power, trying to evolve, before feeling a surge of joy and falling asleep. When I awoke, I was... different, to say the least. I leapt up and bounded to the river. In the reflection was a white Pokémon with a pink forehead, blue eyes, and pink boot-like fur on its feet. It had a bow on its left ear and ribbons spiraling around it. I'm a Sylveon! I thought. I turned around and ran to my trainer, crying out. He woke up and saw me.
"E.. Eevee?" I nodded. Then, his face contorted into anger.
"I didn't want you! I wanted an ESPEON! Not a SYLVEON! GET OUT!" He kicked me out and left me, and it began to rain. I laid down and cried before hearing a Pokéball open. Is it one of my friends? No... instead, it was my trainer's Quilladin. He walked to me and used Leaf Blade, making me fly into a tree.
"Leave and don't come back!" He yelled in Pokéspeech. I limped away, calling,
"Fine.. I will."
For three days and three nights, I trudged on. No food or water. On the fourth day, I laid down and died.
If I'm dead, how am I writing this, you ask?
Well... You don't want to know.

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