Ch. 1

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"Good Morning Odile High. Today we have a special assembly regarding our upcoming Winter Formal. Just a reminder that the vape detectors have been installed in the bathroom so if you're gonna juul then do it off campus. The security guards have warned all students to stay away from the South Building due to reports of strange activity and all classes that were in that building have been relocated. That's the end of today's announcements and remember to have a wonderful day Griffins.", I say over the PA. I turn it off and walk out of the office.

"Why didn't you tell me that they were installing vape detectors?", Niyla asks as we walk to my locker. We have study hall first bell so we usually go to my mom's office. "If I would have told you, would you have stopped?", I ask. "Ha no.", Niyla says.

"Hey Niyla.", some girl says walking by. "Sup shawty.", Niyla says then winks. I roll my eyes. "What's wrong with you, little Miss Perfect?", the girl asks. Don't cast a spell. Don't cast a spell. "Don't do it, Pallas. She isn't worth it.", Niyla whispers in my ear. "Ugh y'all are weird.", the girl says and walks away.

"Man you gotta learn to control yourself. One day you are gonna give yourself away and I know your parents will hate trying to get you out of that mess.", Niyla says. "I'm working on it.", I say. "What do you think would happen if I lost control?", Niyla asks. "You would go all Vampy.", I say.

"Speaking of which did you get it?", Niyla asks. "Yea.", I say grabbing a cup out of my locker and giving it to her. "Good looks, mamas.", Niyla says. "Oh come on you big blood sucker.", I say.

Niyla is the only one of my friends that knows about my secret and I'm the only one that knows about hers. If you haven't caught on yet, she is a vampire. Somehow she still shows up in photos and mirrors. I know what you are probably thinking, but our other two friends are completely normal. Well at least I think they are.

At Lunch

"Pallas did you see the South Building? It looks like the freaking underworld.", Tiye says. "No, but my mom said it's pretty bad.", I say. "Ok so Tiye and I have been talking and we want to know.", Keys says. "What?", Niyla asks. "Are you guys finally dating?", Tiye asks. "No.", I say. "But we could be.", Niyla says putting her arm across my shoulders. "But we're not.", I say moving her arm.

"I swear before Sophomore year ends something is gonna happen between y'all.", Keys says. "Haha ok Nan.", I say. "Hey my name is Keys.", Keys says. "Your name is Kenan.", I say. "Stop. You know I hate that name.", Keys says. "Sorry for her, Kenan.", Niyla says. "Yea we can't control her, Kenan.", Tiye says. "Ugh I swear I need new friends.", Keys says and we laugh.


"The theme for the Winter Formal is really Snowflake Soirée? What even is that?", Niyla asks as we walk to my house. She always comes over after school so that we can study together. "It's kinda like Frozen.", I say. "Oh.", Niyla says. We walk into my house. "Hey ladies.", my dad says. "Hey Dad.", I say. "What's good, Mr. Valeron.", Niyla says.

"How was your specialty drink, Niyla?", my dad asks. "I still kinda want to suck the blood out of my Chemistry teacher.", Niyla says. "Eww Mr. Altman?", I ask. "Hey I don't judge you. Anyway what was in that drink?", Niyla says. "Strawberry, Banana, Almondmilk, and your favorite.", my dad says.

"Well we are going up to my room.", I say. "Ok.", my dad says and I drag Niyla up the steps. "When did you get so strong?", Niyla says rubbing her shoulder. "I want to show you my dress for the Formal.", I say. "Why would you show your date your dress early?", Niyla asks. "You're not my date, you're my bestfriend.", I say. "Ok well lay it on me.", Niyla says.

"Pallas and Niyla get down here.", my mom yells. "Well the boss lady calls.", Niyla says. We walk downstairs. "So you guys have been smuggling blood for Niyla?", my mom asks. "Pshh", I say more as a question. "Don't make me do it.", my mom says. I pretend to seal my lips. "Okay, you brought this on yourself. Non mentiri me veritas liberabit vos.", my mom says.

"Ok Dad smuggled blood from a blood drive at the University and I've been hiding it in my refrigerator so that Dad can make specialty drinks for Niyla.", I say. "Nice going Pallas. You totally just foiled the whole plan.", Niyla says touching my shoulder.

"Hi Pallas I'm your worst nightmare. You may know me, but you don't know what I am capable of. Just wait until your Winter Formal. That's when the shitshow will really begin.", a person in a cloak with piercing red eyes says.

I snap out of my vision and fall back into Niyla. Niyla pulls me up and takes me to the couch. "Pallas are you ok?", my mom asks. "I just had a vision.", I say. "Vision?", my dad asks. "Does that mean the prophecy is true?", Niyla asks. "What prophecy?", I ask. "Pallas honey.", my mom starts.

"Oh yea this is gonna be so good.", Niyla says. "What's going on?", I ask. "Pallas you are the fulfillment of the prophecy.", my dad says. "What prophecy?", I ask. "Pallas you are the chosen one.", my mom says.

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