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Crimson rubbed her tired eyes in the mirror, groaning as she moved to start the shower. It was early, but she had to get ready for work.

Last night she was up pretty late, finishing assignments for school. She'd been hanging out with Grayson so often lately that she was starting to fall behind, between that and going to work every day.

She'd gotten it done, and that was what mattered. As long as she passed her classes everything would be fine.

Slipping her necklace off, she slowly stripped out of her pjs and climbed into the hot shower. She could fall asleep right there if she didn't have to go to work.

But instead she showered as quickly as she could, dreading climbing out and facing the day, but eventually did. She did her makeup while just wearing a bra and underwear, putting off getting dressed for as long as possible.

Crimson grabbed a comb and her blow-dryer, realizing she was running late and needed to finish up faster. She'd stayed in the shower too long.

Rushing toward her bedroom to get dressed, she threw on her clothes, grabbed her phone, and went to leave the house.

"Oh, you're finally ready?" A slightly familiar voice came from behind as she reached the door. "I've been waiting forever. Almost grabbed you when you went to your room,"

Crimson stopped cold, slowly turning around to see Ethan leaning against her wall, arms crossed.

"H-how did y-"

"It wasn't that hard to find you, Crimson," the demon tsks, walking toward her. She'd only had one interaction with him, last weekend. This was the last thing she expected.

Instinctively, she reached for the feather she usually kept around her neck only to discover it wasn't there. In her hurry, she'd forgotten it.

"You've been here? You s-saw me?" She whispered.

"Just a little skin, sweetheart. But I actually did intend to respect your privacy, that was unintentional." It didn't make her feel any better. "I was thinking we should get to know one another, it'll be fun! You are dating my brother, after all,"

Crimson turned around, only to find he'd teleported right in front of her again. She ran into his chest, unable to escape.

"Trying to run away isn't nice." She winced as he tied something—tight rope—around her wrists. "I hope you understand. Can't really trust you just yet. Let's head out!"

Ethan, an arm around her shoulder, brought them both to the gateway. To her surprise, he just took her inside a wooden door.

This was obviously a game he was playing.

If he didn't want them found or interrupted, he would've taken her through a black door. Ethan was bored, and he wanted to toy with a mortal.

"E-Ethan," Crimson pleaded.

"E-Ethan," he mocks, sitting her down and tying her arms back to the chair instead. "Not getting out of this that easily. I just wanna bond with my brothers girlfriend!"

"We're... we're not—" she sighs, seeing him raise his eyebrows.

"C'mon, are you telling me he hasn't made a move yet?" The demon rolls his eyes, sharpening a blade. Crimson gulped at the sight, squirming against the restraints. "Well if he hasn't, you should."

She would've laughed, if she wasn't terrified. Here she was, being encouraged to make a move on an angel by his demon brother. It didn't seem real.

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