The Aftermath of Thier First Time In College

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Sorry for taking so long to update. I got really busy. If y'all leave comments reminding me, I'll most likely update every week, but I sometimes forget about it, so make sure to comment. And while you are doing that, also comment some suggestions for upcoming chapters. That would help me update faster! Thanks for all the support! (BTW, This is not accurate to college life!)
After losing their virginities, Joe and Carter quickly got redressed and sat down on Joe's bed.
"So, how'd you feel about that" Joe asked.
"It felt really good after a minute or two of pain" Carter responded. They were still shocked by each other's beauty. They looked at the clock and realized that it was getting late.
"I have to get back to my dorm and study for the math exam tomorrow." Carter said. A cute little smile popped up on Joe's face.
"Why are you smiling?" Carter asked very curiously. He could tell that Joe had an idea. Joe had remembered what coach said.
"I'm smiling because we are in the same math class and coach told me that if I didn't get my grades up, they might not let me play in the next game." Joe exclaimed. He only played if the game was a blow out at the end, or if the team wanted to protect JT Barrett. He knew that he would get to play because they had Rutgers coming into town. Rutgers had been bad for a while, but not this bad. Joe knew that he would get to play at least a half, or even more.
"What does us being in the same class have anything to do with this math test, and your math grade?" Carter asked. He was really confused as to why Joe was smiling about a topic like this. Carter would hate for Joe to miss playing time because of a bad grade.
"Well, I was thinking that maybe you could help me study for this test. It would for sure help me get a better grade and be able to play next game. And also, maybe you could stay the night here and we can go to class together" Joe said with passion. Carter didn't even have to think about it. He screamed that he would help, and ran back to his dorm to get his stuff. He gathered his books and stuff and ran back to Joe's dorm. He knocked and Joe answered quickly.
They got to work and started the study session. Joe didn't seem to be interested in learning the subject. Carter thought that Joe really wanted to pass this test, but apparently he didn't. He was thinking and offered an incentive to Joe.
"For every one that you work out correctly, I will give you a kiss." He said. Joe was now really excited to answer the questions correctly. He tried, and got one right, so he got a kiss. He repeated this until he got his fifth one right. He then told Carter that if he got the harder one right, he'd take off one article of clothing. That was a big mistake as soon Joe was in nothing but his boxers. Then, Joe and Carter switched back to the kiss for everyone Joe gets right. He got one right and got a kiss. Then, Carter stripped to just his boxers just because he wanted to. They were sitting on Joe's bed, almost fully naked, when Joe got another one right, and they kissed. Carter didn't know that Joe was so good, but he wasn't going to say anything. Soon, they both had big bulges, and they were nearing the end. On the final question, Joe got it right, and as they kissed, a member of the media snapped a picture of them kissing. He had snapped some photos before just to make sure it was Joe Burrow, in which it was. The coaches had a strict 'no intercourse' policy during the football season. You could date, but you couldn't have sex or even kiss. This could ruin Joe's career if anyone finds out...

Word Count: 689

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